Live Export

LIVEXchange heads to Darwin

Beef Central 11/02/2021

LIVEXchange on again, with Darwin to host the livestock export industry’s national conference on 10-11 November.

The theme for the 2021 is ‘From here to there together: strengthening our foundations and creating connections’.

The conference is run by LiveCorp and the Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council (ALEC), this year in conjunction with the Northern Territory Livestock Exporters’ Association (NTLEA).

LiveCorp CEO Sam Brown says there are many aspects to the theme, just as there are many aspects to the industry.

“It’s about the logistics of getting livestock from Australia around the world, the strength of our markets, and the values shared by everyone in the supply chain, from Australian producers to the families being fed with quality Australian meat overseas,” Mr Brown said.

“It’s also recognition of how the past has shaped the present, and a chance to think about where we want the industry to go in the next ten years, given it’s a decade since the introduction of regulation effectively making exporters responsible for animal welfare in destination markets.

“There’s been an enormous amount of innovation over that decade, not just in market. It’s on farms and in pre-export preparation, on ships and having specially built ships themselves, as well as having dedicated local animal welfare officers and new animal welfare laws overseas. We look forward to seeing what comes of the next wave of change already underway.” ALEC CEO Mark Harvey-Sutton says the conference is a valuable opportunity to meet and discuss the live export industry with producers and exporters.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has seen recognition of the industry as an essential service, and the important role our producers and exporters play in providing food security for our global partners.

“As an industry able to operate through a global pandemic, we’ve continued to offer employment opportunities throughout the supply chain, domestically and in international markets.

“COVID-19 has definitely created uncertainty. Never has the maintenance of international trade been more important, as is showing respect for our longstanding relationships with our global partners by continuing to meet their food security needs with Australian livestock.”

NTLEA CEO Will Evans is looking forward to hosting LIVEXchange in November.

“Darwin is the home of live cattle exports in Australia and serves as the original gateway to South East Asia for the industry,” Mr Evans said.

“We look forward to having guests from across Australia join us in the NT to celebrate the growth of the industry over the past decade, while looking towards the future for ways to expand and improve the trade.”

Articles from LIVEXchange 2019:

‘Dumb is expensive’: make things better by making things different
Long road to recovery ahead for NT producers
What does Australia really think about the live export industry?
Producers question mixed signals on crossbreds for live export
Exporter invests over $7 million in animal welfare since ESCAS
A leader celebrated amongst livestock exporters
Halleen’s John Cunnington named 2019 Young Live Export Achiever
Australia’s strength in partnerships as Brazil eyes cattle exports to Vietnam
Cattle Collective launched to bust livex myths + VIDEO
Viable livex sector ‘absolutely critical to our industry’: Strong
Young exporters kick off live export conference in Townsville + PICS
LiveCorp/ALEC merger key topic at today’s AGMs
Developing countries key to future beef growth


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  1. Andrew Whitelaw, 11/02/2021

    It’s great to see events like this and beefweek finally able to held. Fingers crossed no more issues!

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