Live Export

Young exporters kick off live export conference in Townsville + PICS

James Nason 30/10/2019

THE Australian livestock export industry’s major annual conference kicks off in Townsville today with 350 delegates from across the supply chain registered to attend the two day event.

Proceedings kicked off on Tuesday night with a networking function held by the Young Livestock Exporters’ Network which was formed earlier this year and has now added more than 80 members to its ranks (see pictures from last night’s function below).

The program for the LIVEXchange conference over the next two days includes multiple panel sessions with international speakers, including buyers of Australian livestock and meat products from several countries.

Topics to be discussed include updates on global food trends, market outlooks, the latest livestock vessel technology, the Livestock Global Assurance Program (LGAP), flood recovery in North Queensland, and updates on the ongoing disruptive impacts on protein markets caused by the spread of African Swine Fever throughout Asia.

For more details on the conference and the program click on this link:

Young Livestock Exporters’ Network executive team members Patrick Coole, Grayson Webster, John Kunnington and Kari Moffat.

Long time business partners Dicky Adiwoso, PT Juang Jaya Abdi Alam, Indonesia, and Greg Pankhurst, currently serving as Queensland Livestock Exporters Association president.

Michael Patching and Sarah Hyland.

Peter Watkins, Australian Ag Advisory and Management, Rockhampton, and Byron Wolff, Thompson Longorn. Goomburra.

John Cunnington, Mark Brett, Libbi Thompson and Kate Bishop.

Dallas Cody, Allflex; Rob Baines, Coopers Animal Health and Gary Stark, Warwick Cattle Crush.

LiveCorp director Angus Adnam; Gudhistira, Halleen Livestock Traders, Indonesia and Dicky Adiwoso, PT Juang Jaya Abdi Alam, Indonesia.

Nick Hill, Austrex, St George and Clint Giblett, DIT Technologies.

Ben Maher, B Feeders, Toowoomba and Andrew Doljanin, Nutrament, Drayton.

Tony Gooden, Frontier International; Brooke Barkla, CPC, Juang Jaya, Indonesia and John Houghton, AA Co, Toowoomba.


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