While prices received were significant less and soon forgotten compared to those received 12 months ago, the quality of breeding and the exceptional weight presented at the 2023 Ballarat annual steer sale will long be remembered…Read More
Murray Arnel, 20/02/2023Victorian beef weaner sales welcomed in the new selling year trading unchanged on the northeast border on revised pre-Christmas rates…Read More
Murray Arnel, 09/01/2023Hard old-lessons were re-taught at NVLX Barnawartha on Thursday when a softer trend was dealt out to vendors offering weaner-aged young cattle that had not been weaned…Read More
Murray Arnel, 09/01/2023Three large breeder lines that represented 44 percent of a 4400-strong penning provided the cornerstone to an improved demand at the Wangaratta Premier Angus and Feature weaner sale…Read More
Murray Arnel, 09/01/2023Murray Arnel sale reports and videos
Cow/calf operators fielding their first annual drafts of autumn-drop weaners were dealt a significant price check at Euroa on Wednesday when sales were trimmed by $500 to $600 a head compared to 12-months ago…Read More
Murray Arnel, 08/12/2022Murray Arnel sale reports and videos
Traders seeking weight and quality have once again made little change to recent-strong Ballarat store cattle prices when a larger penning of 4100 met a keen gathering of buyers on Friday…Read More
Murray Arnel, 22/05/2022Quality well-bred and well-conditioned lines returned expected high values at NVLX Wodonga saleyards on Thursday when a mixed penning met mainly local support…Read More
Gemma Heggie, 09/05/2022Traders made little change to ultra-strong Ballarat store cattle prices on Friday when a full house of feeder buyers remained hungry for numbers…Read More
Murray Arnel, 26/04/2022The sharp rise in grown cattle prices was fueled by an expanded field of lot feeder and processor orders butting heads with a fearless grass-finisher inquiry for lots suitable to fill winter slaughter supply needs…Read More
Murray Arnel, 22/03/2022A small mixed quality penning that offered minimal feature lines met subdued demand at the Elders-Nutrien Paull & Scollard monthly store cattle market at NVLX Barnawartha on Friday…Read More
Murray Arnel, 04/03/2022In a yarding that was chocked full of quality and offered heaps of weight, a determined body of buyers dispatched cattle as far north as southern Qld for feeding on grain, and more broadly, across south eastern Australia for finishing and backgrounding on grass…Read More
Murray Arnel, 21/02/2022The rush to secure quality beef females burst strongly through the $5000 per outfit level at the NVLX (Barnawartha saleyards) on Thursday…Read More
Murray Arnel, 04/02/2022