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Producer attitudes to Pestivirus are changing, says leading cattle vet

Nine years after first visiting Rockhampton to speak at the Beef Expo about pestivirus and the financial impact it can have on cattle herds, veterinarian Dr Enoch Bergman is encouraged by changing producer awareness and attitudes over the disease. ..Read More

Beef 2015 exhibitor showcase: Allflex taking technology from virtual to reality

With opening day for Beef 2015 now only a fortnight away, it’s time to start showcasing some of the vast range of new equipment, services and technology that will be..Read More

National BJD Forum told: ‘We need a program that doesn’t destroy people’

Changes to national Bovine Johne’s Disease management policies could be in place by January next year if a formal review process goes to plan…Read More

For and against: National BJD program faces review

People on all sides of the Johne’s management debate will get an opportunity to argue their case before an independent chair early next year when a major national review of the national BJD program takes place…Read More

Last chance to register to join our Pestivirus management webinar at lunchtime today

Readers have until around Noon today to register to join our pestivirus (BVDV) management webinar, scheduled for 12.30 PM, Queensland time, this afternoon. ..Read More

Join our Pestivirus management webinar October 10

Beef Central and FutureBeef will host a webinar targeted at beef producers, cattle vets and other livestock stakeholders with an interest in pestivirus (Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus) identification and management next week…Read More

Join our Pestivirus management webinar October 10

Beef Central and FutureBeef will host a webinar targeted at beef producers, cattle vets and other livestock stakeholders with an interest in pestivirus (BVDVirus) identification and management early next month…Read More

Wagyu conference promises to draw a crowd

The Australian Wagyu Association’s annual conference on Queensland’s Gold Coast from October 10 to 12 has attracted one of its biggest delegate registrations ever, with more than 160 stakeholders already committed to attend, representing all Australian states, and including a number of overseas visitors…Read More

ARCBA withdraws support for national BJD program

Support for the national Bovine Johne’s Disease control program has taken a hit with a decision by the Australian Registered Cattle Breeder’s Association to withdraw support for the program…Read More

Bull breeders ‘zeroing-in’ on horn status in selection

The industry-wide drive for labour efficiency, better animal welfare outcomes, reduced bruising and the constant challenge of workplace health and safety suggests breeding polled cattle is a no-brainer for those who can achieve it…Read More

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