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CERES Tag enables compliance with incoming EU deforestation laws

Sponsored Content, 22/04/2024

CERES Tag technology can significantly enhance livestock producers’ ability to meet the stringent requirements set by the European Union’s deforestation supply chain laws and Scope 3 emissions reporting, while also bolstering overall sustainability practices.

The European Union requires that agricultural products, including livestock feed, do not contribute to deforestation or forest degradation.

CERES Tag aids in this compliance by ensuring that livestock grazing is confined to designated pastures, verified via GPS tracking.

This data helps demonstrate that farming practices do not encroach on or harm forested areas, adhering to sustainable land use policies.

Additionally, CERES Tag management of rotational grazing systems helps maintain the health and ecological functionality of both pastures and adjacent forest lands, thereby supporting compliance with EU laws.

Scope 3 emissions reporting, which accounts for indirect emissions within a company’s value chain, is another area where CERES Tag is of value to Australian livestock producers.

By optimising pasture feed intake, the technology reduces the need for supplementary feeds, which in turn decreases emissions from the transportation of these feeds.

Furthermore, efficient grazing management reduces reliance on synthetic fertilisers and additional feeds, thus minimising the emissions associated with their production and transport.

The detailed livestock management data provided by CERES Tag is crucial for accurately calculating the farm’s carbon footprint, aiding producers in identifying emission reduction opportunities and fulfilling reporting requirements.

By using CERES Tag, farmers not only comply with environmental regulations but also enhance their farm’s sustainability.

The technology’s ability to provide automated, reliable data simplifies the compliance verification process, supports claims of sustainable practices, and strengthens market positioning.

Products from farms employing CERES Tag technology are likely to appeal more to environmentally conscious consumers and businesses, aligning with the growing demand for sustainable and ethically produced goods within the EU and beyond.

Overall, CERES Tag offers a comprehensive solution that not only helps livestock producers navigate the complexities of EU regulations but also promotes a sustainable and responsible approach to agricultural management.

This technology ensures that producers can maintain high standards of environmental stewardship while also enhancing their operational efficiency and market competitiveness.

For more information about CERES Tag click here.


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