MEAT & Livestock Australia is set to host its Casino MeatUp forum in less than two weeks, with parasites, pasture dieback and carbon on the agenda.
The event was postponed from its original schedule in September, with the December 6 set as the new date.
Despite the delays, the program has remained unchanged, with speakers including:
- Beef productivity drivers and their effect in a whole farm system – Cameron Allan, Meat & Livestock Australia
- Carbon neutral by 2030: What can be done in your production system to reach the industry target? – Professor Richard Eckard, University of Melbourne
- Filling the winter feed gap: Incorporating winter forage options into the tropical feedbase – Nathan Jennings, Local Land Services
- Producing restocker cattle for existing and future markets – Alastair Rayner, RaynerAg and Roger Bailey, RN & MA Bailey
- ‘Winter forage and managed tropical grass’ MLA Demonstration Site project – virtual farm tour
Casino producer Tom Amey said the conference had been tailored to local producers.
“Producers should attend a MeatUp Forum near them because the program has been specifically tailored to local producers by a producer-driven working group, to provide information, tools and resources to help them improve their on-farm productivity, profitability and sustainability,” he said.
The event in the Casino RSM Club will run from 9am to 5pm, followed by networking drinks.
- To register click here