
Online channel assists industry to develop grassfed strategic plan

Jon Condon 18/04/2012


CCA President, Andrew OgilvieCattle producers across the country are being called on to contribute to a strategic plan for the grassfed beef industry, being initiated and coordinated by Cattle Council of Australia.

In a press statement issued yesterday, CCA said that through effective engagement, consultation and communications with producers, industry bodies, governments, value-chain business and other stakeholders in the industry, the new “Beef 2015 and Beyond” strategic plan was designed to inform, direct and mobilise all industry resources and efforts over the coming years.

“The cattle industry has experienced transformational changes over the past three decades,” CCA president Andrew Ogilvie said in the statement, “and the CCA Board has rightly decided that now is the time to develop a new national strategy for the beef industry.”

Beef 2015 and Beyond will also define the roles of the various parties responsible for implementing the plan.

“This is a chance for beef producers to be involved in the setting the future direction of their industry, by helping to set the priorities and highlighting areas of concern. We need input from stakeholders,” Mr Ogilvie said.

All grassfed beef producers will be able to contribute to the process via online forums.

Each week for the next seven weeks, CCA will release a discussion paper with key questions to spark debate. Producers will be able to go online at where they can have their say on all key issues.

There will also be targeted surveys and in-depth interviews with various industry leaders, as well as workshops held in each state and territory.  Information gathered will be used to draft a strategy for discussion at a national workshop.

“This is such an important process for industry” Mr Ogilvie said.

“It is essential that we garner as much information from as many producers and industry stakeholders as possible.”

CCA represents and progresses the interests of Australia’s beef cattle producers. It is the national voice for cattle producers and has a critical role in defining industry priorities and directions and in influencing the allocation of levy resources.

The new strategy will also align with the framework provided by the wider Meat Industry Strategic Plan and would be consistent with the Red Meat Memorandum of Understanding and the government’s levy principles and guidelines, yesterday’s statement said.


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