A beef industry event to be held in northern New South Wales in early August will give cattle producers rare access to an extensive line-up of cattle industry leaders and experts.
Outside the Beef Australia expos in Rockhampton every three years, it is unusual to find as diverse an array of beef industry speakers as has been organised for Yulgilbar Station’s triennial Beef Expo and Forum on August 4.
Speakers and their topics include:
- John Seccome, Northern Cooperative Meat Company Chairman: “Challenges of being a meat processor in 2017”;
- Jason Strong, AACo managing director: “Vertical integration in the Australian meat industry”;
- Don Mackay, Red Meat Advisory Council chair: “RMAC – Working for the Australian red meat industry from paddock to plate”;
- Prue Bondfield, Australian Beef Sustainability Group, steering committee chair: “Developing a framework for Australian beef industry sustainability”;
- Richard Norton, MLA managing director: “What’s new at Meat and Livestock Australia”;
- Tess Herbert, Australian Lot Feeders Association president: “The challenges and opportunities for the Australian cattle feedlot industry”;
- Marc Greening, Cattle Council of Australia independent southern director): “What does the future hold for Cattle Council of Australia”, and an update on the JBAS scheme;
- Ced Wise, Ced Wise Artificial Breeding Services: “The nuts and bolts of bull fertility – sorting the wheat from the chaff – drafting fertile from sub-fertile and infertile bulls”;
- Ian McConnell, WWF Global Commodity Lead – Beef: “What role does WWF play and are they negative to beef production?”;
- Scott Hansen, NSW DPI director: “NSW DPI and the big issues for Australian agriculture”;
- Bill Hoffman, Hoffman Beef Consulting: “Staying profitable as a trader in 2017”;
- Rob Sinnamon, Yulgilbar: “What’s happening at Yulgilbar”;
- Gina Reinhart, Hancock prospecting via video presentation: “Why invest in Australian Agriculture?”.
Darren Perkins from George & Fuhrmann will MC the event.
The expo will include trade sites, cattle displays and drone demonstrations.
Former Deputy Prime Minister John Anderson (and great grandson of Edward Ogilvie who founded Yulgilbar 177 years ago) has agreed to officially open the new Broadwater Big Shed (pictured right) during the Expo.
- The 2017 Yulgilbar Beef Expo and Forum will be held on Friday 4th August 2017 at the Broadwater Division of Yulgilbar Station.
- To assist with catering please RSVP with numbers attending to Rob and Lorraine Sinnamon on yulgilbar@bigpond.com. More information on the Yulgilbar website here
Interested to note that from the list of Guest Speakers for the Yulgilbar Beef Expo and Forum, there is no one addressing the needs for a better ‘educated’ workforce within the Beef Industry, specifically targeting the ’employability’ of the new generation of stockpersons. The specific topic of ‘Soft Skills’ was recently dealt with by Beef Central and poses an important part of attracting the ‘right’ persons into the industry.