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Has your hiring process gone stale?
Here are some tips to consider which will improve your hiring process, and make sure you are ahead of the game when it comes to attracting the best candidates.
We all know the relentless talent attraction and retention war is beginning to take its toll with 63 precent of Owners and Managers now concerned about availability of skills in their organisation, according to a recent PwC Survey.
It seems that the tried and tested, meat and potatoes of hiring of just writing a nice advertisement and pasting it over the web-like wallpaper is becoming less and less effective each year. In the same survey it’s no surprise that majority of the survey respondents believe that their hiring and talent management strategies need to change.
The traditional post your ad-wait-interview-offer-hire paradigm is becoming more and more inadequate and contributes to an increasingly long and often more expensive time-to-hire. This process should not be removed, but it should be viewed as the skeleton around which innovative attraction and retaining strategies should be built.
Most companies are always hiring, as people are critical to your businesses success, so selecting the right talent is extremely important for your company.
In reality, most companies, particularly those in the Agriculture sector who don’t have big HR team sometimes do not have the resources available to have a good talent selection process. Often the process lacks consistency and a degree of thoroughness that can leave a company at risk for making hiring mistakes.
Too often companies treat talent selection as an event, when it should be treated as a process; a clearly defined and thought-out process. A process that strives to secure the best talent for you and saves you money, which can only mean more success for your business!
So now is probably a good time to take a look your hiring and talent selection process at your company. Here are 10 tips to get your started creating the right talent selection process for your business
- Create clear job descriptions and a better understanding of the jobs your company needs to fill. Come up with 3 to 5 key accountabilities, or abilities, the person will need. And think about the mindset for the position. This is the foundation for your process to be successful, so don’t take it lightly.
- Make sure your selection strategy aligns with the broader company goals and talent demands and encourages best practice processes and procedures that ensure consistency and fair treatment of all those involved.
- Use the same process for each person considered for each position. Also, evaluate people in the same way. Use the same interview questions, which are specific to the job and specific to company values.
- Incorporate web and/or telephone pre-screening questions early into the process. Link these questions to your website or job board application process to make sure people meet your minimum requirements.
- Recruitment software can also simplify workflows. Applicant tracking systems are effective and provide solutions for any sized company.
- Create hiring teams or a dedicate staff member to execute your companies hiring strategy. You should also include key team members that will be working with the new hire as well as key company leaders who the new hire may need to interface with to be successful.
- Incorporate some objective measurement into your process. For example, use peer interviewing to help assess the candidate’s fit within the culture.
- Develop a rating system in order to objectively measure candidates who make it through pre-screening.
- Accurately record information and keep records to support selection decisions.
- Be flexible and open to continuous improvement. Set up a way to measure and evaluate your process and any changes you may make.
- Once you have selected the right talent, your HR staff and others involved in your company’s talent management should spend their time only on the most-qualified recruits. A good process like the above helps ensure this happens and in a timely manner.