
Wagga sale 3 Feb 2020: Feeder cattle lead price rises

Leann Dax 04/02/2020

Yarding 5888 Change 1788

Cattle prices at Wagga have been boosted by the soaking rains in some parts of Queensland, NSW and Victoria.

Buyer competition intensified despite a much bigger yarding of 5888 cattle.

Price gains of 15-45c were recorded across the board with feeder cattle enjoying the greater rate lift.

Feeder steers were up to 45c dearer with Queensland buyers setting a hefty pace. Light and Medium weight steers sold at 300-354c averaging 311c/kg.

It was more of the same in the heifer run. Strong sales were recorded from the commencement of the sale which resulted in a price lift of 30-36c/kg. Feed heifers ranged from 268-324c/kg.

Restockers were in attendance but struggled against a boat order and back grounders. Steers back to the paddock were 39c dearer recording a top priced of 348c or $912. Heavy secondary steers purchased by restockers averaged $1172 or 327c/kg.

In the trade run shell-shocked domestic processors were unable to match the price levels of feedlot buyers with most watching on in disbelief. The few heifers 400-500kg which sold to the trade made from 275-298c/kg. There were no steers sold into the trade this week.

Grown steers and bullocks were keenly sought by Queensland and NSW processors. Grown steers and bullocks gained 25-30c, selling from 280-325c/kg.

Cow rates again reacted to a shortage of supply in the north with prices improving 15c/kg. Heavy cows sold at @50-270c/kg. Leaner types sold from 220-248c/kg.

To view full NLRS sale report click here





















































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