
Wagga sale 3 June 2019: Momementum builds after useful rain

Leann Dax 04/06/2019

Yarding 300 Change 500

Cattle prices at Wagga continued to gain momentum following useful rain in a yarding of 3,100.

Among the highlights on Monday were bullocks gaining up to 20c reaching a top of 302c to average 290c/kg.  Heavy steers also trended 10c dearer making from 280-309c/kg.

The trade market started strong and climbed as the sale progressed due to a shortage of yearling cattle with adequate fat cover. Yearling steers supplementary fed commanded premium prices selling at 300-326c/kg

Trade heifers were in shorter numbers and the tighter supplies lifted prices 2-4c/kg. Well finished heifers 400-500kg consistently made from 258-284c/kg.

There was a price kick for British bred vealers of 10c owing to the stronger demand from restockers. European veal and their crosses gained 2-5c making from 290-300c/kg.

Vealers lacking finish were keenly contested by local agents and rates for the steer portion returning to the paddock jumped 20c to average 290c/kg. Angus weaner steers weighing 280kg sold to strong competition from Narrandera and Griffith topping at 329c/kg. The general run of weaner steers less than 300kg gained 20c/kg.

The market broke out of its holding pattern for feeder steers with prices lifting 25c/kg. Medium weight feeder steers fetched 280-321c/kg.

Feeder heifers were in reasonable numbers and the well-bred portions were in short supply which contributed to a dearer trend of 4c to 7c/kg. The general run of better bred heifers made from 280-300c/kg.

A bigger size line up of 1250 cows was tendered and quality was quite mixed through the yarding. Competition intensified and prices lifted 4-13c/kg.  Heavy cows made from 215-248c to average 222c/kg. Leaner cows sold from 140-226c/kg.

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