
Roma Store 27 Sep 2016: Wet paddocks still disrupting supply

Martin Bunyard 28/09/2016

Yarding 1600 Change 983

There is still a problem moving cattle out of some of the supply areas, however there was a yarding of 1,600 head at this week’s store sale.

The yarding consisted of mainly lighter weight yearlings and weaner cattle, along with a fair penning of grown cattle. Quality of the young cattle was fairly good with several runs of well bred steers and heifers suitable for restockers and backgrounders, however there were limited numbers of yearlings in the feeder weight ranges available.

There was a very strong market with prices equal, to dearer, compared to previous sales.

Light steer calves sold to a top of 440c, while restocker weaner steers topped at 432c to average 420c, and restocker weaner heifers topped at 397c to average 390c/kg. Restocker yearling steers averaged 404c, while feeder heifers averaged 363c/kg. Grown steers to feed sold from 350c to 366c/kg.

The cow market was firm to a dearer trend, with medium weights averaging 253c and heavy cows sold to a top of 281c/kg. Heavy bulls sold to a top of 306c/kg.

Roma light steers make 448c/kg

Only a total of 1600 head of cattle were consigned at Roma’s Store Sale, with wet weather restricting the movement of cattle again this week.

Weaners under 220kg topped at 448c/kg and averaged 414c/kg, while weaner steers in the 220-280kg range reached 432c/kg and averaged 412c/kg. Steers in the 280-350kg range reached 418c/kg and averaged 400c/kg, and steers in the 350-400kg range reached 410c/kg and averaged 374c/kg. Feeder steers in the 400-550kg range topping at 368c/kg and averaging 352c/kg.

Sutton Beef, Bundabar, Glenmorgan, sold Santa-cross steers to 448c/kg for 150kg.

M & C Stafford, Cooinda, Yuleba, sold Charolais-cross steers to 440c for 204kg to return $898/head.

M Ashley, Mt View, Injune, sold Charolais steers to 432c for 255kg to return $1102.

R Loughnan, Alicker, Roma, sold Charolais-cross steers to 429c for 267kg to return $1145. The Charolais-cross heifers sold to 397c for 260kg to return $1032.

P & M Brennan, For Far, Mitchell, sold Charolais-cross steers to 424c for 187kg to return $795. The Charolais-cross heifers sold to 408c for 171kg to return $699.

P & H Meacle, Coreena Park, Meandarra, sold Droughtmaster steers to 418c for 277kg to return $1161.

Douglas Cattle Co, Verniew, Mitchell, sold Santa-cross steers to 410c for 355kg to return $1459.

Just Trouble Pastoral Co, Coalbah, Glenmorgan, sold Simmental-cross steers to 408c for 280kg to return $1142.

West Family Trust, Loomeah, Roma, sold Hereford steers to 352c for 508kg to return $1790.

Heifers in the 350-450kg range reached 368c/kg and averaged 346c/kg. Heifers in the 280-350kg range topped at 370c/kg and averaged 356c/kg. Heifers in the 220-280kg range topped at 397c/kg and averaged 381c/kg, while heifers under 220kg topped at 408c/kg and averaged 398c/kg.

G & C White, Marionvale, Surat, sold Charolais-cross heifers to 370c for 265kg to return $981.

P & H Sanderson, Mundalya, Yuleba, sold Santa-cross heifers to 330c for 403kg to return $1331.

Cows over 500kg N/A, while cows 400-500kg topped at reached 262c/kg and averaged 230c/kg. Cows in the 300-400kg N/A.

Bulls up to 400kg reached 418c/kg and averaged 324c/kg.



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