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Review of Australian livestock export standards opens today

Beef Central 06/02/2018

Public consultation on stage one of the Australian Standards for the Export of Livestock (ASEL) review opened today.

Deputy Secretary at the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, Malcolm Thompson, today invited livestock exporters, animal welfare groups, producer groups and interested members of the public to provide their input.

“The current ASEL standards have underpinned very strong animal welfare outcomes, with the mortality rate for Australian livestock exported by sea on a downward trend since 2006,” Mr Thompson said.

“This review is ensuring any potential updates to the standards are informed by the best possible evidence and those with relevant experience.

“We have engaged an expert committee to lead the review, and the contribution of stakeholders will be extremely valuable.

“This review is being conducted in stages to address priority issues and allow us to align review topics with research.

“Stage one is seeking feedback on a proposed new format for the standards, along with key issues that the committee should address in the next stages of the review.

“Feedback will help the committee recommend improvements to the format of the standards and set direction for the rest of the review.”

Stakeholders can submit their feedback by completing a short survey or uploading written submissions through the ‘Have Your Say’ website.

An updated work plan for the review and a consultation report is expected to be published on the department’s ASEL Review website by July 2018.

To make a submission or for more information visit or Submissions close 20 March.

Source: Department of Agriculture and Water Resources


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