
Online decision support tool helps bull selection

Beef Central 02/04/2019

AN online matchmaking tool to help commercial producers source the right bull for their breeders is being developed by NSW Department of Primary Industries with co-funding from the MLA Donor Company.

Designed to work on desktop computers, tablets and mobile devices, the decision support tool will allow producers to compare and benchmark online catalogued bulls available for sale, based on their genetic merit and how they fit the specific needs of individual enterprises.

The National Livestock Genetics Consortium taskforce supported the DeSireBull project as part of the portfolio of aims seeking to ‘double the annual rate of genetic gain in the commercial livestock value chain.’

Tthe DeSireBull platform is an integral part of the genetics adoption strategy as it will simplify the bull selection process, increase the number of buyers who look to genetic performance information and, ultimately, improve herd performance.

The platform helps all three stakeholders involved in the typical bull transaction:


  • Convenient, effective way to search available auction and private treaty bulls
  • Find the right bulls that meet your breeding objectives
  • Develop your own index to find exactly what you want


  • Convenient access to customers from all over Australia
  • Ensure your bulls are listed based on their genetic merit
  • Track buyers’ interests – understand exactly what your buyers’ are looking for


  • Help buyers find the right bull that matches their needs
  • Help vendors market their bulls simply and effectively
  • Conveniently keep track of bulls available for sale and customer requirements

Getting involved

The tool is still in development and requires input from industry to be successful. Producers can assist in the development of DeSireBull by testing the trial platform and providing feedback through an online survey. The survey, and more information, can be accessed here.







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