
Australian stud beef cattle breed record prices at a glance

Beef Central 14/09/2022

Despite the tough trading conditions, the past 12 months has produced a string of new breed record prices for bulls and registered females sold at auction in Australia.

In order to keep abreast of these breed milestones, Beef Central moderates this comprehensive list© of national breed record prices for bulls and females as a handy reader reference tool.

What’s evident in the list is that while some breeds have recorded new highs in the past year, other breeds’ record prices were set 30 or more years ago.

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Buyer confidence instilled by strong commercial cattle markets is clearly a factor in recent bull price record-setting. In addition to those records set in the past three or four years as cattle prices lifted dramatically, there is also a record-setting ‘cluster’ around the 2005-2007 period, when cattle prices also rose sharply. Other breeds registered their current standing records as far back as 1980.

While most attention focusses on bull values, we’ve also compiled a separate list for registered females sold at auction. It’s apparent, and somewhat logical, that quite a number of the female breed records were set at herd dispersals, with studmasters evidently reluctant to part with their truly elite breeding females unless dispersing their herds. Also noteworthy is that fact that fort three prominent breeds – Wagyu, Poll Hereford and Speckle Park – female records are equal to, or higher than the bull equivalents. That’s because of the heightened value and impact of elite female genetics in artificial breeding programs.

To submit amendments or add new entries to this list as records are re-set, please contact Beef Central via email at or phone 0412 331745.

The lists below are ranked according to record price. Records are based on auction results (either physical or online) only – not private treaty, where circumstances are much more difficult to verify.


Registered bull record prices at auction:


$360,000 for Texas Thunderstruck T383, sold by Ben and Wendy Mayne, Texas Stud Warialda to Macka’s Beef, Saltash NSW at the annual Texas Angus sale, July 2023.


$325,000 for NCC Justified sold by NCC Brahmans, Inverrio, Duaringa, Qld, to Rodger and Lorena Jefferis’ Elrose Brahman Stud, Cloncurry, Qld, at NCC Brahmans on-property sale, October 2017. The previous Brahman record was $300,000 for Lancefield Burton Manso sold by Lancefield Brahmans, Dululu QLD to Happy Valley Brahman Stud, Mackay QLD – Tartrus Lancefield Sale 2006, Gracemere QLD.

While this list is restricted to registered bulls, it’s worth noting that $96,000 was paid at the 2016 Big Country Brahman sale in Charters Towers for a Grey Brahman unregistered herd bull,  Kenilworth 4899, bred by Kelvin Maloney, Kenilworth, Mt Coolon, and bought by Brian and Cindy Hughes, Lanes Creek, Georgetown. The price was an all-breeds Australian record, and most likely a world record for a herd bull.


$320,000 for Glenlands D Everest (P) sold by Childs family, Glenlands D Stud, Theodore QLD to Considerata (South Africa) and Samurai Droughtmaster Stud, Hughenden at the annual Glenlands Sale September 2023. Earlier in the same sale, Glenlands D Empire State re-set the previous record, selling for $240,000.


$265,000 for Moongool Revolution sold by Price family, Moongool, Yuleba Qld to David and Lynette Whitechurch, Fourway Stud, Inverell NSW, at Moongool’s annual sale, September 2022.  While this list is limited to bulls sold at auction, special mention should be made of Rick Pisaturo’s Mandalong Chock, sold privately in 1986 for a reported $165,000 to Scott Cluning.

Santa Gertrudis:

$250,000 for Yarrawonga S316 sold by Bassingthwaighte family, Yarrawonga Cattle Co Wallumbilla QLD to Rob and Lorraine Sinnamon, Riverina Santa Gertrudis, RL Pastoral Co & NIOA Pastoral, Allora QLD at the Yarrawonga annual sale September 2022. This broke the previous record of  $175,000 for Glenn Oaks Sterling S314 sold by Scott and Wendy Ferguson, Glen Oaks, Nobby, to Neil and Rosalie Watson, Watasanta, Tamworth, and Luke and Carly Baker, Annabranch, Wandoan at the Santa Central bull sale, September 2022.


$240,000 for Sahara Park Yasufuku R153, a 16-month-old son of high marbling performer World K Yasufuku Jr, offered by Dean and Sam Pollard of Sahara Park, Rockhampton QLD, and purchased by Que Hornery from Bar H Grazing, Moranbah, Central Queensland, at the AWA Elite Wagyu Sale, May 2022.

Hereford/Poll Hereford:

$160,000 for Injemira Redford J006 Q287 sold by Injemira Herefords, Book Book, NSW to ABS Global – Australia Beef, Ardno Herefords & Vielum Pastoral Co, Mudgee at the Injemira autumn bull sale, February 2021. Previous record was $121,000 for Inverary Dominator D56, sold by Don Anderson and family at the Inverary Collection Sale on-property in 1986.


$160,000 for Woonallee Los Angeles, sold by Tom & Lizzy Baker, Woonallee Simmentals, Millicent SA to Brett Nobbs, Nobbs Cattle Co, Duaringa, Qld – Woonallee Elite Production Sale February 2017, Furner SA.

Woonallee record priced Simmental bull


$150,000 for Telpara Hills Mach Five 920R4 sold by the Pearce family, Telpara Hills Stud, Atherton QLD to the Caldwell family, Milwillah Angus Stud, Young NSW at the Telpara Hills annual sale September 2022. The breed record price was equalled at the 2024 Rockhampton Brangus Sale where Earlwood Riki was sold by Michael Madden, Earlwood, Duaringa to Lindsay and Fiona Barlow, Triple B Brangus, Dingo.

Speckle Park:

$150,000 for Born Ready Shady, sold by Born Ready Speckle Park Cattle to Ivery Downs Speckle Park, Colinton, QLD at the East Coast Select Sale September 2023. The price was claimed as a world record for the breed. As recently as 2016, the Speckle Park bull record was still only $30,000, marking considerable progress since then.

Murray Grey:

$110,000 for Maneroo Fulton 2nd, sold by Maneroo Murray Grey Stud, Bunbertha, VIC, to a syndicate involving GM Lorentz, Cranbrook Stud, Sutton Forrest and D. Staff, Baerami House Stud, Muswellbrook, NSW at the Maneroo Stud dispersal on November 5, 1980, following the death of stud principal John Cornish. As outlined in this historic sale report from the Maneroo dispersal unearthed by Geoff Phillips as part of our research into this sale (Click here to access) a number of records were set, including all breeds Australian record price for a bull at $110,000 (see image of Maneroo Fulton 2 below); an all breeds national record price for females of $30,000; and an average price for 29 stud bulls of $8581. That figure would not look out of place even in today’s super-heated bull market.

Based on an average annual rate of inflation in Australia since 1980 of 3.15pc, Maneroo Fulton made the equivalent of $346,251.89c in today’s money.

Manaroo Fulton 2nd (1)


$106,000 for Ronelle Park Slurpie S29 sold by the Johnstone family, Ronelle Park, Lyndhurst NSW to the Falls family, Malton Shorthorns, Blighty NSW at the National Shorthorn Sale, Dubbo NSW in June 2023.


$100,000 for Telpara Hills New Limit, sold by the Pearce Family, Telpara Hills, Tolga, North QLD to Shamrock Black Brangus, Bororen, QLD at the Telpara Hills annual Brangus and Ultrablack Bul Sale, September 2023. The breed record was re-set only a week after an $80,000 previous record was set for Palgrove Sugar Ray sold by Palgrove Ultrablacks, Dalveen QLD to Hewitt Cattle, Mudgee NSW, at the Palgrove annual bull sale September 2023.

Black Simmental:

$55,000 paid for Woonallee Toronto T274 sold by Baker Group, Woonallee, Millicent, SA to GB Livestock, Braidwood NSW and ABS Australia at Woonallee’s annual bull sale August 2023.


$52,500 for Wattlebrae Ringer, sold by Wattlebrae Charbrays, Chinchilla QLD to Nobbs Family, Cordelia P Charbrays, Moura QLD at the Charbray National Sale, Gracemere QLD September 2022.

Blonde d’Aquitaine

$50,000 for Rupari Joiner d’Poll, bred by Greg and Linden Roberts Rupari Polled Blondes, Yarrawonga, Vic, and bought by Bob Andrews, Wangaratta and genetics dealer Agri-Gene, via a silent Helmsman auction on Facebook in March 2015. The price is believed to be a world record for a Blonde d’Aquitaine bull.


$50,000, set twice at the same sale for Carinya Yenda, sold by John & Jacquie Amor, Carinya Stud, Dulacca QLD to Russell and Donna Kenny, Harriett Valley, Gayndah; and Double C P124 Playboy  sold by the a Chad families, Donrinda and Double C Studs, Dubbo, NSW to Daniel and Arlie Treloar, Rockhampton – both sold at the National Braford Sale, Gracemere QLD in September 2021.


$45,000 for Five Star 210745, sold by Geoff Maynard, Maynard Cattle Co, Jambin QLD to Chris Simpson, CAP Genomics, Harlin at the Five Star Senepol Sale September 2022, Gracemere QLD.


$42,000 for Mandayen Kingmaker R65 sold by Mandayen Limousin Stud SA to Mt Pleasant Limousins, Forbes NSW – at the Mandayen Bull Sale held at Keith SA in February 2022.

Red Angus:

$33,000 for Hicks Marble Bar R48 sold by Hicks Beef to Hedley Range Red Angus, Binginwara VIC at the Hicks Beef spring sale 2022

Belmont Red:

$32,000 for Seifert Belmonts SEI200107 (PP), sold by Seifert Belmonts, Emu Creek QLD to Lachlan and Trudy Mace, Stanage Bay QLD at the Seifert Belmont Red Sale, QLD in August 2021.


$20,000 for SL Resoluut sold by Sugarland Beefmasters to Keilambete Station, Rubyvale QLD at the annual Beefmaster Sale QLD 2021


Registered female record prices at auction:


$400,000 (highest price ever paid in Australia for a seedstock animal of either sex) for registered Fullblood Wagyu 13-month-old unjoined heifer Sunnyside S0014 from Peter and Sandra Krause and family’s Sunnyside Wagyu, Inverell, bought by Yulong Investments from Nagambie VIC at the AWA Elite Wagyu Sale held in Melbourne in May 2022.


$190,000 for Millah Murrah Prue M4 (ET) sold by Ross Thompson, Millah Murrah Angus, Bathurst, NSW to Brooklana Angus stud, Brooklana, NSW, at the Millah Murrah female sale, October 2017. A second heifer in the same sale, MM Prue H112, also eclipsed the previous $45,000 Angus female record set at the Vermont Angus dispersal in 2010, selling for $54,000. The same sale may have set an all-breeds record for registered females, when 250 cows and heifers sold in a complete clearance averaging $13,790.

Poll Hereford:

$160,000 for Baldrudgery Lisa sold by Bruce, Beth and Vera Hodges, Baldrudgery, Baldry, NSW to Denis, Lois and Julie Brancourt, at the Sydney Royal Easter Show sale in 1990. The result was claimed to be a world record for a registered female at the time. A second Baldrudgery heifer by the same sire (Beartooth Quester), sold at the sale made $140,000 when sold to Bob, Brenda, Trudy and Tony Newham. There was a frenzy of interest among Australian Poll Hereford breeders in new US genetics at the time, following the historic first importation of live cattle from the US the previous year, after a 30-year Australian market closure. That first consignment of new genetics, imported via the new Cocos Island quarantine station, included bulls and heifers from the Hereford, Poll Hereford, Brahman and Santa Gertrudis breeds, plus others. Note reader comments below.

Click here to access a full page advertisement from the  February 1991 Poll Hereford journal celebrating the record sales.

Speckle Park:

$100,000 (Australian and world record for the breed) for Batallion heartbreaker R16, sold by Grant and Kylie Kniepp, Dundee NSW to Ivory Downs Speckle Park Stud at the Scone Invitational Speckle Park Sale, April 2022.


$95,000 for Spry’s Miss Buddy M36 (P) sold by the Spry family, Spry’s Shorthorns, Wagga Wagga NSW to Tony Rutter, Tarcutta NSW at the Spry’s Shorthorn and Angus Sale, April 2023. The previous record of $72,000 was set in 2006.


$80,000 for Glenlands D Fancy Free, sold by Darren & Helen Childs, Glenlands D., Theodore QLD to Ken Mutton, Fieldhouse Droughtmasters WA at the Beef 2024 Genetics in Focus Sale, May 2024.


$70,000 for Palgrove Maxine, 43(P), sold by Prue & David Bondfield’s  Palgrove Stud, Dalveen QLD to Greg Clyde-Smith, Atherton QLD – Palgrove Female Sale 2008.

Scottish Highland:

$67,500 for Calmore of Bairnsley, sold at Bairnsley Highland Cattle’s spring 2022 sale, Victoria. No – that is not a mis-print. Six heifers offered and sold at the sale averaged $38,533. Both are being claimed as world records for the breed.


$63,000 for Cambil Dienka 5826 (IVF) (H) sold by Lawson Camm, Cambil Brahmans, Proserpine to the Brownson family, Brownson Brahmans, Charters Towers at the inaugural Great Northern Brahman Sale at Proserpine, North QLD in October 2020. The previous record of $61,000 was set in 2005.


$60,000 for Telpara Hills Miss Van Damme 15M3 (P) (ET) sold by the Pearce family from Telpara Hills Stud, Atherton QLD to Troy Mitchell, Coffs Harbour, NSW (telephone bidding from Chile) – Rockhampton Brangus Sale October 2017.

Murray Grey:

A Murray Grey registered female record of $57,000 was paid for Kelvin Grove Daphne 26th, a nine-year-old cow at the Kelvin Grove dispersal 1987. It was an all-breeds female record at the time. Buyers were Archie and Beryl Priestly of the Robgranthony Stud in WA and Archie’s brother Des Priestly from the Barbaralorraine Stud NSW. Taking inflation into account, the sale would be worth $149,000 today.


$55,000 for Summit Crystal L35, bought by Brentvale Limousins & Keajura Limousins at the Summit Livestock Spring Selection Limousin Sale October 2022. The record easily exceeded the previous high-point of $35,000 set back in 1988.


$48,000 for Tusmore Nicole, sold by Jim Mahoney, Tusmore, SA to John McQuay – Tusmore herd dispersal 1990, SA. Although it does not qualify based on this list’s ‘at auction’ proviso, a record for Black Simmental females at $22,000 was set by WA breeder Mike Introvigne for the paddock sale of  Bonnydale Glendive K199 with calf at foot, bought by Valley Creek Simmentals, Bowral, NSW. Top priced registed female among Fleckvieh cattle was $10,600 paid for Tennysonvale Kellie (P) bred by Tennysonvale Simmentals & Fleckvieh’s, and bought by Nobbs Cattle Co at Tennyson’s sale in 2016.

Black Simmental:

$35,000 for Valley Creek Strike Q022, sold by Stuart and Samantha Moeck’s Valley Creek Simmental Stud during its 2024 reduction sale to Litt Cattle Co, Cumnock NSW.

Santa Gertrudis:

$34,000 for King Ranch Jewell, sold by King Ranch, Macquarie Downs Leyburn QLD to John Bolster, The Lakes Stud, Woodenberg NSW – King Ranch Dispersal Sale 1990, Macquarie Downs QLD.

Red Angus:

$25,000 for GK Red 624 Dina S2 sold by Brooke and Kirrily Johnson-Iseppi, GK Livestock Dalby, to Moorevale Red Angus at the Power of Red sale, Toowoomba QLD September 2023.


$16,000 for AACo SE2M13, sold by Australian Agricultural Co, QLD to Ian Manly, Antigua Stud, Lower Wonga QLD – AA Co Senepol herd dispersal 2006

Belmont Red:

$10,250 for a 30-month-old PTIC heifer offered by Seifert Belmont Reds, Jandowae QLD, in calf to the Australian record-priced Belmont bull, Seifert Princeton, bought at the 2019 Seifert Belmont Red Sale.


$6000 for Little Valley Miss Wren, 2808, sold by Bennett family, Little Valley Braford Stud to Dwyer family, Barykino Braford Stud – New Dimensions Sale 2015, Bell QLD.


While the list above is exclusive to beef breeds, worth noting was the Australian record for dairy breeds of $251,000 for an elite Holstein heifer sold in January 2017. The heifer, sold by Victorian Declan Patten and a US partner, was bought by a US artificial breeding business, Sexing Technologies. The heifer carried the highest Genomic Total Performance Index (GTPI) figure of any dairy animal ever sold in the world to that point. See earlier story here.


  • To submit amendments or add new entries to this list as records are re-set, please contact Beef Central via email at or phone 0412 331745.


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  1. Merestud Breeders, 08/02/2021

    In comparison to international pricing of bulls and registered females, how does Australia fare..?

    We don’t collect data on international bull and female sales, but would be interested to hear from readers who have some figures we could publish, for comparison. Editor

  2. Patrick issanchon, 01/09/2020

    what is the record price for Square Meter bulls – they were extremely popular when first bred.

    We haven’t yet been provided with records for the miniature breeds, Patrick, but we be pleased to add them to our list if they are forthcoming. Editor

  3. robert w condon, 01/07/2020

    is there a list of KERRY cattle breeds in australia at all
    As well any books on breed

  4. Helen Armstrong, 23/04/2018

    Thanks Darren, we are chasing fertility in our Brahman herd and require a positive SS to weight which is a good predictor of daughter’s fertility. We also require morphology pass above 70% and motility above 80%. While this can vary a little, according to their work and the season, we have found it consistent across years. We test all our herd bulls every two years and any new bulls prior to entry.

    Good luck with your boy! I wish you all the best.

  5. Tobias Linnane, 30/08/2017

    To Beef central
    I have sent you in a email new breed records at the show and sales for Hereford and poll Hereford cattle .
    There’s more then that.

    We haven’t laid eyes on it Toby… Could you send it again? Editor

  6. Craig Turner, 15/07/2017

    Hi James and Jon,
    Still loving all the ‘Centrals’.
    In terms of record stud sales, I am sure the whiteface female record was set in the mid/late 80s when Bruce Hodges from Baldrudgery Stud sold a Poll Hereford heifer at the Sydney RAS sales (when there was a whole day of Herefords and a whole day of Poll Herefords sold) for $160,000.
    Now, I acknowledge neither the buyer nor the heifer were ever heard of again, from my recollection, but it was definitely knocked down at a public auction at the time – I was there.

    Keep up the good work

    Thanks for your comment Craig. You’ve given us some homework to do. We’ll report back to readers via this report when we’ve done some research, and know more. Editor

  7. Damien Sotter, 05/07/2017

    Speckle Park bull record price now stands at $35,000 by Minnamurra Past Co, Coolah on 19th May 2017

    Thanks for the update, Damien, List is now updated. We rely on our sharp-eyed readers to keep us up to date on any changes we might miss. Editor.

  8. Ian McDuie, 04/07/2017

    Black Simmental record is $32,500 for Woonallee Luxembourg bought by Peter Howarth, also at the Bakers’ 2017 Woonallee sale.

    Thanks Ian – Our record list now updated – in fact the record was set twice at the same sale! Editor

  9. GARY BULLER, 04/07/2017

    Thankyou to Jon and team at Beef Central for the update.
    Cheers, Gary

  10. Carl Baldry, 22/05/2017

    We were just looking at the top priced Beef Females, very interesting read. We think this is a great idea.
    We are from Tennysonvale Simmental Fleckvieh’s and we had pretty good sale results last year in which we sold two Fleckvieh females listed below:-
    Tennysonvale Kellie (P) – sold to Nobbs Cattle Co for $10,600.
    Tennysonvale Kezami (P) – sold to Nobbs Cattle Co for $10,400
    If you would like some photos or more information, please let us know. Many thanks Carl.

  11. Gary Buller, 11/04/2017

    Great reading, thank you.
    Could you include the record prices for the Murray Grey Breed as well?
    Top price bull was Maneroo Fulton 2nd at $110,000 and the top price female was Kelvin Grove Daphne ( #? )who sold to Des and Archie Priestley of Barbaralorraine and Robgranthony studs for $57,000. Geoff probably has the year details etc. Many thanks in anticipation. Gary

    Thanks for your comment, Gary. We’ll do some research and add the Murray Grey bull and female details once we can verify. Editor

  12. Darren Kent, 08/03/2017

    In reply to Paul Butler & Helen Armstrong, having purchased several high price sires for our stud herd the earning ability of outstanding sires is far and away in excess of what we have paid for these high price animals , every high price animal we have purchased for our own Ooline Brahman Stud and there have been many, in each case the sale price was what the animal made at public auction by genuine sale. Our latest purchase being Jomanda El Toro for a Rockhampton Brahman Week record of $150,000 in 2016 we see this as a serious investment in the future genetic gain of not only our herd but the breed and the beef industry in general and the price reflects what the rest of the paying public thought of the bull he weighed 780 kg at 21 months of age with a scrotal circumference of 38 cm and semen motility of 75 % carcass scans of 12 mm P8 Fat 8 mm Rib fat and EMA OF 129cm2 measured at 19 months of age SOME 8 WEEKS PRIOR TO THE SALE.

  13. Kim Woods, 31/03/2016

    In reply to John Kennedy, January 25, 2016, according to Devon Court’s historical records, Devon Court Shakespeare was sold privately by Arch Nixon at the 1984 Sydney Royal to Peter Allen, South Boorook Herefords, Mortlake, Vic, for $100,000. The bull had been sashed grand champion at Sydney that year. – Herefords Australia

  14. John Kennedy, 25/01/2016

    I believe that Archie Nixon from Devencourt Hereford Stud at Drillham in Southern Qld sold a Hereford bull called “Shakespeare” I think, in about 1975 for $130 000. This bull was the first to win Grand Champion at Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne Royal Shows. You could check the details of this by talking to his Grandson Toby who still lives and has a Hereford Stud at Drillham to this day.

    • cameron Barnes, 27/07/2023

      Devon Court Shakespeare was well after 1975 – more likely around 1983 – $100,000
      I purchased a 1/2 sister to Shakespeare in foal to Devon Court Radium at Devon Court sale – the bull calf top AG Show sale for me – The cow (Lady Alice) had enough milk to feed a possum with.

  15. Helen Armstrong, 25/01/2016

    Dear Beef Central
    It would also be terrific if you could publish the scrotal size and weight at sale, plus the motility of sperm, plus morphology results from a registered laboratory!
    That would be something! Helen Armstrong

  16. Paul D. Butler, 22/01/2016

    High End prices are basically meaningless…….as you don’t know what kind of deals have been made.

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