Beef 2024 Preview

Beef 2024 – Meaty Bites

Beef Central 17/04/2024


PUBLISHED below are some briefs on interesting events and attractions visitors can see and participate in during their visit to Beef 2024 in May…..

High-flying Pilatus

Light aircraft manufacturer Pilatus has a strong footprint across regional and rural Australia and the cattle industry in particular, and is mounting an impressive display at Beef 2024 in May.

The turbine-driven, pressurised Pilatus PC-12 has become widely-adopted by large pastoral operators across northern Australia, with a range of 1800 nautical miles and seating for up to ten passengers.

The company will set up an impressive stand-alone display and hospitality site in Beef 2024’s centre ring, called the Chalet, pictured below.

It will also host an invitation-only dinner on Wednesday 8 May at the Chalet venue. Guest speaker will be a Canadian ranching and farming industry identity.

Novel ways with red meat value-adding

More than three years of CSIRO research, supported by Meat & Livestock Australia, has led to an exciting new product concept: a high protein powder from red meat.

The new, allergen-free meat protein powder could represent an important value-add to Australia’s beef sector, while addressing growing global demands for high quality protein.

Coconut covered protein balls made with CSIRO’s meat protein powder

Researchers and marketers are exploring diverse applications for the product. Whether it’s enhancing the nutritional profile of protein powder for gym-goers or in aged care, fortifying protein balls, bars and beverages, or powering energy drinks and supplements, the possibilities are endless.

This nutrient-dense, shelf-stable ingredient which will be on display during Beef 2024 can add a protein punch to any food product, its developers say.

A small group of invited guests will participate in a tasting event, during which MLA’s group manager for science & innovation, Michael Lee, will present the investment case for value adding the whole carcase, including incremental options for red meat as an ingredient. CSIRO’s Dr Aarti Tobin will present the science and progress to date.

This session follows Beef Week’s Pitch in the Paddock, Wednesday 8 May, by Just Meat Co Venture Builder Joanne Barber.

Location: MLA trade site


Official opening for Rocky’s new sex-sorted semen lab

Artificial breeding services provider ST Genetics will officially open its new sex-sorted (‘gender-selected’) semen laboratory near Rockhampton during Beef 2024.

Located at the CQUniversity precinct, the new facility – the first of its type in Northern Australia – will be officially opened by STgenetics global CEO Juan Moreno on Wednesday afternoon, 8 May.

STgenetics has partnered with CQUniversity over the past two years on the project. Establishment of the laboratory has enabled access for cattle producers in the region to world-leading sexed semen sorting biotechnology.

The technology can fast-track herd development with targeted breeding programs producing desired calves (either heifers or steers, depending on immediate requirements). The process delivers greater efficiencies for both stud or commercial beef producers, separating male and female sperm allowing producers to reduce waste, rebuild herds more quickly after drought, and unlock herd development efficiencies.

STgenetics operates 53 laboratories worldwide, with the laboratory at CQUniversity one of only two in Australia, and the only lab worldwide focused solely on processing semen for beef breeds.

The lab requires six university qualified technicians with biomedical degrees along with a laboratory manager. In all there are 168 equipment items used in the sorting process, with the laboratory segregated and designated areas for performing specific tasks, each in a temperature-controlled environment.

Beef industry visitors are welcome to attend the opening and view the facility, but should register here first. 

When: 12.45pm Wednesday, 8 May. Where: STgenetics Australia Rockhampton Laboratory, Founders Drive, Norman Gardens.

  • Click here to read an earlier Beef Central story on ST Genetics’ sex-sorted semen laboratory investment.






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