Ag Tech

‘Virtual field day’ webinar: Innovation in cattle operations in northern Australia

Beef Central 15/04/2020

Farmbot remote water monitoring technology, covered in an earlier Beef Central article (click on photo to access), will be showcased as part of Friday’s ‘Virtual field day’ webinar


FARM management software company Agriwebb is hosting a ‘virtual field day’ information webinar on Friday, designed to showcase new ag technologies of value in the extensive northern Australian cattle industry.

In the absence of this month’s NT Cattlemen’s Association conference, Agriwebb will host the ‘Innovation in Cattle Operations’ free webinar this Friday, starting at 1pm AEST.

AgriWebb co-founder John Fargher said the event was designed to bring northern producers together with technology innovators, to help propel the livestock industry into the Digital Era.

“Northern livestock producers account for almost half of all beef production in Australia, and its time agtech innovators delivered innovative solutions to help them take the next step in Digital Ag to drive their businesses and the industry forward,” he said.

The program will feature a series of short, interactive online sessions sharing what’s new in technology in livestock. Topics will include Best practice welfare in castration and dehorning with livestock specialist Dr Rick White, benefits of remote water monitoring technology, Putting satellites to work for better feed budgeting, Walk over weighing made easy with EID and a host of other special guest presenters talking about the latest in on-farm technology.

Here’s the full list of session topics and times:


To register to join the webinar, click this link.





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