The Weekly Grill

Episode 26: The future of carbon trading, with Toby Grogan

In this week’s week’s episode of The Weekly Grill podcast series, host Kerry Lonergan turns up the heat on carbon trading expert, Toby Grogan, from Impact Agriculture.

Carbon credits and carbon trading are arguably some of the most complicated and misunderstood topics in the beef industry today. What are they? How do they work? What’s in it for producers?

Currently there are about 150 properties in Australia involved in regulated soil carbon projects, and perhaps a couple of hundred more involved in vegetation management carbon projects, Mr Grogan estimates.

The pair explore issues such as what the carbon trading rules say around a property selling credits, and then seeking to claim carbon abatement as part of beef brand claims.



Check out our previous Weekly Grill podcasts here, including interviews with Red Meat Advisory Council chair, John McKillop; stud cattle showing identities Gary Noller and Rob Sinnamon; veteran Victorian cattle buyer David Ronalds; beef processing legend, ACC’s David Foote;  Live export class action facilitator, Tracey Hayes; Signature Beef’s Blair Angus; Consolidated Pastoral Co chief and Livecorp chairman, Troy Setter, nutrition scientist and MLA special skills board member, Manny Noakes; CCA independent northern and southern directors, Alice Greenup and Olivia Lawson; Australian Agricultural Co head Hugh Killen; Sydney independent red meat retailer Stephen Kelly; lotfeeder, Charlie Mort; processor and supply chain manager, Terry Nolan; livestock transport operator Ross Fraser; Organic supply chain manager Alister Ferguson; and  our first cattle market outlook, with TEM’s Matt Dalgleish and Stockco’s Chris Howie.

































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