
Weekly rainfall wrap, week ending 24 May 2016

Beef Central 25/05/2016



Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory, northern Queensland, western Tasmania, and the southwest of Western Australia were the focus of heavy rain in the past week.

At the start of the week, a pair of cold fronts swept across the southeast. The systems brought moderate to heavy falls to the western half of Tasmania, and widespread light falls to southern and central Victoria. A surface trough over the Gascoyne, and a cold front tracking across southern Western Australia generated showers and thunderstorms, producing moderate falls over the central districts, and the South West Land Division in Western Australia.

In the middle of the week, an upper trough extended a deep, moist tropical air mass over northern Queensland, generating heavy rainfall and thunderstorms. The system brought moderate falls to areas of the Gulf Country and Cape York Peninsula, with heavy falls recorded on the north tropical coast of Queensland. Moderate falls were also recorded around Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory.

At the end of the week, a vigorous cold front tracked across southeastern Australia. Moderate falls were recorded in southeastern South Australia, southwest and central Victoria, and western Tasmania.

Rainfall totals in excess of 100 mm were recorded in an area of western Tasmania, parts of Cape York Peninsula and the north tropical coast in Queensland. Falls in excess of 300 mm were recorded around the Barron North Coast in Queensland, including the highest weekly total of 366 mm at Babinda Post Office.

Rainfall totals between 50 mm and 100 mm were recorded in parts of Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory, northern Queensland, western Tasmania, and in the southwest of Western Australia.

Rainfall totals between 10 mm and 50 mm were recorded in the South West Land Division and in parts of the Kimberley district of Western Australia, southeastern South Australia, and in southern, central and northeastern Victoria. Similar totals were recorded across most of Tasmania, southeastern New South Wales, and much of northern Queensland and the Gulf Country including Arnhem Land.

Remaining parts of Western Australia, most of the Northern Territory away from the northeast, most of South Australia, eastern and northern Victoria, almost all of New South Wales and the southern half of Queensland recorded little or no rainfall this week.

Highest weekly totals by State and Territory:

New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory

27 mm Thredbo AWS

22 mm Hillview (Shoalhaven River)

16 mm Perisher Valley AWS, Cabramurra AWS


50 mm Mount Buller

46 mm Wilsons Promontory Lighthouse

45 mm Haines Junction (Mount Sabine)


366 mm Babinda Post Office

363 mm Whyanbeel Valley

274 mm Hazelmere

Western Australia

137 mm Dwellingup

128 mm Witchcliffe

121 mm Jarrahdale

South Australia

34 mm Robe

31 mm Robe Airfield

26 mm Penola Post Office


176 mm Mount Read

118 mm Lake Margaret Power Station

114 mm Queenstown (South Queenstown)

Northern Territory

162 mm Groote Eylandt Airport

105 mm Yirrkala Tropical Gardens

More weekly rainfall totals:

Source: BOM




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