
Weekly rainfall wrap + 14 day rain outlook, 25 July 2018

Bureau of Meteorology 25/07/2018

For today’s 14-day rainfall outlook – scroll to bottom of article

A series of cold fronts and troughs embedded in a vigorous westerly flow brought moderate falls to the north and west of Western Australia’s South West Land Division and southern Goldfields and southeastern South Australia, parts of western Victoria and northern Tasmania.

Past seven days: Showers in a southeasterly onshore flow produced light falls about the north tropical Queensland coast. In the south, a strong cold front embedded in a vigorous westerly flow, and an associated cloudband crossed the south coast and southeastern Australia. A strong and gusty northwesterly flow, associated with a low pressure system moving through the south of Tasmania, produced persistent rain with moderate to heavy falls in western and northern Tasmania. Moderate falls were also recorded in the south coast of Western Australia, southeastern South Australia, and the south coast and the North East district in Victoria. Widespread light rainfall was reported in remaining parts of the southern half of South Australia, most of Victoria, southern New South Wales and much of Tasmania except in the southeast.

In the middle of the week, a weak cold front and associated cloudband brushed the far southwest of Western Australia and slipped south into the Great Australian Bight in a northwesterly flow. Middle to high level cloud produced light to moderate falls along the southern coast of Western Australia; also in southeastern South Australia.

In the last part of the week, a series of cold fronts and troughs embedded in a vigorous westerly flow tracked across the south of Western Australia. Moderate falls were recorded in the north and west of the South West Land Division and southern Goldfields. Widespread light falls extended to the south Gascoyne and Goldfields, and across the South West Land Division. As the fronts moved eastwards, they brought moderate falls to southeastern South Australia, parts of western Victoria and northern Tasmania.

Rainfall totals in excess of 100 mm were recorded in western Tasmania and an isolated spot in the Lower West district in Western Australia. The highest weekly rainfall total was 151 mm at Mount Victoria (Una Plain) in Tasmania.

Rainfall totals exceeding 50 mm were recorded in the South West district in Western Australia, in the northeast and western half of Tasmania.

Rainfall totals between 10 mm and 50 mm were recorded across much of the South West Land Division, a small area in the southern Goldfields, and Eucla districts of Western Australia; southern and southeastern agricultural districts of South Australia; most of Victoria except in the far northwest and east; elevated areas of the Snowy Mountains in New South Wales; most of Tasmania, and about the north tropical Queensland coast.

Little or no rainfall was recorded in remaining parts of Western Australia and South Australia, the Northern Territory, most of Queensland, New South Wales except the Snowy Mountains, and in the far northwest and far east of Victoria.

Highest weekly totals list

New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory
53 mm Perisher Valley AWS
51 mm Thredbo Village
20 mm Thredbo AWS
70 mm Falls Creek (Rocky Valley)
62 mm Portland (Cashmore Airport)
55 mm Grampians (Mount William)
21 mm Lucinda Township
15 mm Mossman South Alchera Drive
12 mm Bingil Bay
Western Australia
117 mm Mount William
98 mm Windy Harbour
97 mm Northcliffe
South Australia
52 mm Flinders Chase (Rocky River)Parndana (Turkey Lane)
51 mm Kalangadoo
151 mm Mount Victoria (Una Plain)
149 mm Mount Read
145 mm Lake Margaret Power Station
Northern Territory
1.6 mm Gove Airport
1 mm Alcan Minesite
0.4 mm Conways

More weekly rainfall totals:

Source: BOM


Rainfall outlook:





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