A cold front crossed Tasmania at the start of the week, leading to weekly rainfall totals of 50 to 100 mm in the west of the state.
Weekly rainfall totals of 25 to 50 mm were recorded in south-west Western Australia and north-east Victoria from the passage of cold fronts.
Weekly totals of 25 to 50 mm were recorded in north-east New South Wales and south-east Queensland from local thunderstorm activity.
Weekly rainfall totals were generally less than 10 mm across large parts of southern Australia.
The highest weekly rainfall total (at a Bureau gauge) was 77.4 mm at Mount Read (Tasmania).
The highest daily rainfall (at a Bureau gauge) was 47.0 mm at Dieckmans Bridge Alert (Queensland) to 9 am on 4 September.
Little or no rainfall was recorded across the tropics.