Cattle Council of Australia members are now able to vote for the council’s 2017 board positions.
Marc Greening, NSW and David Hill, QLD have been re-nominated for their respective independent board positions with Cattle Council.
Five State Farming Organisation board positions are also open for endorsement, including:
- Victorian Farmers Federation
- WA Farmers Federation
- AgForce Queensland
- Northern Territory Cattlemen’s Association
- Livestock SA
The two independent board positions along with the state farming organisation positions will make sure cattle producers across the country have a voice at a federal level.
Marc Greening, renominated for the southern independent board position, runs Injemira Beef Genetics in Wagga Wagga, NSW.
In his role with Cattle Council Mr Greening sits on the Marketing and Market Access consultative committee and is Chairman of the PCAS Management Committee.
Mr Greening is passionate about taking on a leading role for the organisation in communication of CCA policy to industry.
“Cattle Council do a lot of good work advocating on behalf of beef producers and achieving real outcomes for the industry,” Mr Greening said.
“It’s important we talk about this good work and the producers understand why they should be involved in their peak body.”
David Hill, renominated for the northern independent board position, manages a beef breeding and fattening business in Central Queensland, targeting the EU market.
Amongst many other roles, Mr Hill is the Northern representative on the MSA Taskforce and the cattle producer representative on the Objective Measuring Steering Committee.
Most recently Mr Hill represented Cattle Council and its members at a series of producer forums with Queensland Senator Barry O’Sullivan to discuss transparency within the supply chain.
“Improving accountability and transparency across the beef supply chain is crucial for the industry to be sustainable into the future,” Mr Hill said.
“Cattle Council, its board and consultative committees are committed to advocating for transparency so the whole supply chain can benefit.”
This years relevant state farming organisations have each put forward one nominee for their board position.
Only one nomination was received for each of the independent board positions.
Members are still required to endorse the nominees for both the state farming organisations and the independent board positions.
Cattle Council members can endorse the board positions online now via –
Members must be logged in to vote and online voting will be available until 8.00am onWednesday 9 November 2016.
Members attending the Cattle Council AGM have the option to vote in person or submit a proxy, if preferred.
Proxies must take the form of an email and clearly list the member whom you wish to exercise your voting right.
Proxies must be received by 8.00am Friday 4 November 2016 to be valid.
Source: CCA