Qld, SA rural women of year winners announced

Beef Central 06/03/2014

Two state winners in the 2014 Australian Rural Woman of the Year award have been announced, with the winners of five remaining states and territories to be revealed within the next four weeks. 

The winner of the 2014 South Australian Rural Woman of the Year award was announced last month, with 32 year old cattle and sheep producer and rural industry consultant Penny Schulz taking the honour and Susie Green named runner up.

Yesterday Lauren Hewitt from AgForce Queensland was announced as Queensland's State winner for 2014, with Rhonda Sorenson as runner up.

The RIRDC advises that the WA winner will be announced on March 12, Victoria on March 13, NSW on March 25, the Northern Territory on March 26 and Tasmania on April 1. 

Each State and Territory winner receives a $10,000 bursary to provide the resources to develop their vision into a project or initiative that will benefit primary industries and rural Australia.

All state award winners and runners-up are also invited to attend the Australian Institute of Company Directors Course in Canberra.

The seven State and Territory winners will fly to Canberra in September for the announcement of the 2014 Australian Rural Woman of the Year award.


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