
Weekly property review: Recently completed sales

Property editor Linda Rowley 10/04/2024

THIS week’s property review includes this wrap up of recently completed sales, and a separate article on interesting recent listings across the country.

  • McIntyres expand footprint with Roma feedlot
  • Charters Towers family buys Cape York station
  • Charbray producers secure Mount Lonsdale
  • Qld western downs country purchased by neighbour
  • A Biggenden family pays for water security

McIntyres expand footprint with Roma feedlot

St George-based McIntyre Ag, owned by Hamish and Mary McIntyre, has outlaid in excess of $20 million or $2000SCU for Ben Cameron’s livestock supply chain near Roma, in southern Queensland.

The McIntyres run a family-owned cattle breeding, backgrounding and lot feeding and finishing enterprise, alongside mixed farming and cotton operations across a number of properties in south-west Queensland.

Located near Mount Abundance, 40km south-west of Roma, the 2445ha Roma Feedlot and Spelling Yards have been owned and operated by Brisbane-based Mr Cameron since 2019.

Developed in 2017, the near-new facility is roughly 50km from the region’s major livestock selling centre, the Roma saleyards.

The 4000-head feedlot and 2000-head spelling businesses operate on two contiguous holdings – Dunan and Oaklea.

Both offer quality infrastructure for a high standard of efficiency and productivity, with scope for expansion.

There are 1500 arable hectares and improved pastures watered by groundwater allocations and associated bores, with all crops used in the feedlot.

With road-train access from the west, the feedlot also offered a drought mitigation strategy for northern and western pastoralists.

When it was offered for sale in October last year, it was one of the first National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme (NFAS) accredited feedlots to hit the open market in recent years.

The going concern cattle business was sold with existing beef supply contracts with Woolworths and is a supplier to all the meat processors to the east.

JLL Agribusiness directors Geoff Warriner, Chris Holgar and Clayton Smith handled the sale.


Charters Towers family buys Cape York station

One of the oldest cattle stations on the Cape York Peninsula has sold to a prominent Charters Towers family for above $8 million.

The 107,064ha Fairlight Station is located near Yarraden, 70km west of Laura and 320km north of Mareeba.

Vohland Real Estate agent Russell Wolff was unable to disclose the buyer or the price paid but said prior to auction, the breeding operation attracted 13 registered bidders and 66 inquiries.

The country on Fairlight Station consists of river and creek flats, undulating ridge country running to hilly broken areas mostly timbered with ironbark, bloodwood, gum, box, messmate and tea tree.

Soil types range from loam river and creek flats, yellow clay and red brown ridge soils with some sandy soils to the north.

A wide range of pastures includes spear, kangaroo and native grasses, as well as seasonal herbages.

The property has a 35km frontage to the permanent Palmer River, natural springs, flowing creeks and permanent waterholes in the Kennedy, St George and Little River systems, supported by 30 dams and two bores.

Fairlight Station has a 25 year carbon agreement in place for savanna burning.

Infrastructure includes a three-bedroom home, a 16-room workers quarters, numerous sheds and two cattle yards.


Charbray producers secure Mount Lonsdale

Taroom producers Bryce and Lucy Moore, Trifecta Charbrays, and her parents Randall and Tanya Ziesemer, Beaumont and Bentley Park, have paid $20m for Mungallalla’s well developed Mount Lonsdale.

The 8147ha fully exclusion fenced property is located 14km north of Mungallalla and 150km west of Roma, in Queensland’s south-west.

It was sold by Chinchilla’s Peter and Shari Knudsen, Coondarra, after four years ownership during which time they improved and increased productivity of the country, including erecting 23km of new fencing.

The open downs and undulating country on Mount Lonsdale features mostly soft bottle tree, belah and brigalow scrub soils growing a variety of pastures including buffel, curly Mitchell, blue grass and natives, with medics and salines in season.

Situated in a 550mm average rainfall region, Mount Lonsdale is watered by two artesian bores supplied to tanks and troughs, supported by nine dams and the Mungallala Creek which runs through the property.

Infrastructure includes two five-bedroom homes, steel cattle yards, a fully cemented air-operated race and crush, a calf race and cradle and numerous sheds.

The sale of Mount Lonsdale was handled by Nutrien Harcourts GDL agent Russell Jorgensen.


Qld western downs country purchased by neighbour

Seventy-five years of Uebergang family ownership has ended on Berwyndale after a neighbour secured the southern Queensland grazing and farming asset for an undisclosed sum.

The 1296ha Berwyndale is located 20 minutes from Miles and 30 minutes from Chinchilla on Queensland’s Western Downs.

The country comprises 511ha of irrigation via six centre pivots, two flood areas and 337ha of dryland cropping including cotton, sorghum, mung beans, chickpeas and other summer and winter crops.

The 448ha balance, supported by a natural habitat of brigalow tree lines, is used for grazing.

When Berwyndale was listed for sale in March, Resolute Property Group agent Ben Forrest said properties of this calibre are rarely offered to market.

“With its original beginnings as a heavily timbered brigalow block, Berwyndale had been cleared and developed into a premium irrigated, dryland and grazing powerhouse, ideal for cropping or as a backgrounding and finishing depot.”

Berwyndale is watered by a 2000ML water licence sourced from the overland flow, the Columboola Creek, a 780ML catchment dam and an 800ML storage dam.

Infrastructure includes a four-bedroom home, a cottage, multiple sheds, 637 tonnes of silo storage, cattle yards and seven gas wells generating an undisclosed income.


A Biggenden family pays for water security

A Biggenden family is expanding with a southern Queensland block suitable for cattle backgrounding, lucerne hay production or irrigation.

Held by the Sporne family for around six years, the 409ha Hidden Valley is 10km from Mundubbera and 30km from Eidsvold.

As a backgrounding operation, Hidden Valley can run upwards of 500 head but conversely, all of the country can be irrigated.

At the time of sale, the property was planted with 173ha of irrigated leucaena and 10ha of lucerne, with an additional 73ha to a multi-species lucerne-based cattle feed.

Hidden Valley has an abundance of water including a 100ML Burnett River water allocation, two dams, a turkey nest and five bores including one with a 90ha licence.

Improvements include two homes, steel cattle yards, sheds and good quality fencing.

Danielle Meyer Rural agent Danielle Meyer handled the sale of Hidden Valley.


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  1. Pieter Jongebreur, 11/04/2024

    Good send each day the most informative information I have a coastal person it is good to read articles to improve a person’s knowledge.many thanks Pieter

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