THIS week’s property review includes a wrap-up of interesting recent listings across the country, and a separate article of recently completed sales of note.
- Breeding & backgrounding near Meandarra
- Good interest in western Qld backgrounding country
- Fully exclusion fenced breeding & backgrounding in SW Qld
- Two neighbours list three properties in western Qld
- EOIs for NT’s Dorisvale Station
- NQ freehold block returns to the market
- Reduced price for Gunning’s Walwa
- NSW far south-west country offers diversity
- Two Qld blocks attract downsizers and entry level producers
Breeding & backgrounding near Meandarra
Locals are dominating interest for a well-developed and well-located beef breeding and backgrounding property with cropping potential in southern Queensland.
The Pittsworth-based Curr family is selling the 2498ha Croydon Park as it seeks to expand its footprint further west.
Situated in the heart of Queensland’s Western Downs, the property is located near Meandarra, 106km from Miles.
LAWD director Simon Cudmore said the property’s proximity to feedlots makes it an exceptional proposition.
“Croydon Park has 10 of the top 25 Australian feedlots within a radius of 150km so there is no shortage of marketing options to make this a great beef backgrounding operation.”
Capable of carrying 1000 adult equivalents, LAWD director Grant Veivers said Croydon Park has a balance of grazing and arable land offering operational diversification.
“Croydon Park is benefitted by fertile grey, self-mulching, cracking clay soils that have excellent moisture retention capacity. Currently, 120ha are under forage crops but the dryland cropping area could be increased to 1200ha.”
Situated in a 572mm reliable annual rainfall region, Croydon Park is watered by a bore and 10 dams.
During their ownership, the Currs have invested in extensive capital expenditure on pasture improvement and fencing, including 9.5km of exclusion fencing.
Infrastructure includes a four-bedroom home, cattle yards, a machinery shed, a three-stand shearing shed and three silos.
Croydon Park is for sale by expression of interest closing on May 3.
Good interest in western Qld backgrounding country
Cattle breeding, backgrounding and finishing country in western Queensland is attracting good interest from Northern Territory and Queensland producers.
The 22,908ha Old Euston Station is located 100km north-west of Longreach and 120km south-west of Winton.
The country is a mix of Mitchell grass open downs with sweet pebbly ridges and gidgea growing seasonal herbages, succulents and annual grasses, including Flinders and button.
Creek systems are heavily grassed with buffel and shaded with coolibah and bloodwood.
Subject to seasonal conditions, Old Euston Station can run 2200AE. It is currently carrying 1500 cows and calves and 600 steers.
TopX agent Phillip Avery considers the country strong and safe.
“The strength of the country is reflected in the cattle it produces, high calving percentages, excellent bone structure and first-class weight gains.”
“Currently experiencing an excellent season, the property will run a power of cattle this year,” Mr Avery said.
The property is being marketed as a stand-alone operation or as an expansion block for existing producers.
Old Euston is watered by two bores and 15 dams supported by multiple creek systems and channels in a 425mm average annual rainfall region.
Improvements include airconditioned quarters, two sheds and steel cattle yards.
Old Euston Station is being offered for sale by tender closing on May 2 by TopX and RPL.
Fully exclusion fenced breeding & backgrounding in SW Qld
A fully exclusion fenced breeding and backgrounding operation in Queensland’s far south-west has returned to the market and will be auctioned on May 8.
The 31,745ha Neverfail and Wyuna Aggregation is situated 54km south of Eulo and 120km south-west of Cunnamulla.
In August 2020, a Tamworth-based group of buyers secured the aggregation and invested in new fencing and watering points.
Two years later it was sold to a Bendigo-based family who is now pursuing opportunities closer to home.
The Neverfail and Wyuna Aggregation has attracted strong enquiry from cattle and sheep producers from Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia, as well as some corporates who have run a ruler over it for carbon.
Border Real Estate agent Dave Leeds was unable to offer a price guide, however nearby sales have achieved between $222/ha and $272/ha or $7m to $8.65m.
“Neverfail and Wyuna is the best fenced block I have ever marketed and as a result it is easy to manage.”
“Both properties received tremendous rainfall over December and January which is setting them up for the coming 12 months,” Mr Leeds said.
According to the vendor, Neverfail and Wyuna can run 8000DSE but the holding is currently carrying around 2000 dorper ewes and more than 7000 goats.
The country comprises 2025ha of Werai watercourse flood country from the Paroo River with the balance mostly soft red loam country growing an abundance of grasses and edible mulga.
The aggregation is well-watered by four bores and four dams.
Infrastructure includes accommodation, a shed, near new sheep/goat yards and an historic shearing shed.
Two neighbours list three properties in western Qld
After five years ownership, Lance and Tracy Horsley, Tungamah Pastoral, are selling their western Queensland country.
The 30,400ha Hereward and Bude Aggregation is located 66km north-west of Longreach with double highway frontage.
In 2019, the Gold Coast couple purchased the 11,495ha Hereward and the neighbouring 9520ha house block, ending 107 years of Mackay family ownership.
The adjoining 9385ha Bude, a freehold block, was purchased by the Horsleys in 2021.
Suited to cattle breeding, backgrounding and finishing, Hereward and Bude can carry 4000 cattle or sheep equivalents. It would also suit a larger northern operation looking for a backgrounding depot.
The country consists of open downs Mitchell grass country growing substantial stands of buffel grass and prolific stands of seasonal herbages.
Combined, the aggregation is watered by an equipped bore, a lagoon, numerous dams, seasonal waterholes and flood out channels from the Darr River and Ten Mile Creek.
Ray White Rural agent Bill Seeney said during their ownership, the Horsleys have spent considerable money renovating Hereward’s four-bedroom home and upgrading infrastructure, including yards and fences.
Across the aggregation, there are two homes, a cottage, numerous sheds, two shearing sheds, sheep yards and two steel cattle yards.
Expressions of interest for Hereward and Bude close on May 9.
Interestingly, the neighbouring 10,578ha Westward Ho is also on the market.
Listed by Winton’s Ogg family, Ayrshire Downs, the low maintenance backgrounding or fattening country is carrying a good body of feed and can comfortably carry 1200 backgrounders through to feeder weights.
The expressions of interest campaign for Westward Ho is being handled by Brodie Agencies agent Tom Brodie.
EOIs for NT’s Dorisvale Station
Expressions of interest are once again being sought for a Top End cattle breeding property offering dryland farming potential.
With a reputation for attracting the first and last big rains of the wet season, the 67,500ha Dorisvale Station is located west of Pine Creek in the Claravale region, close to the new cotton gin facility at Katherine.
It was offered to the market in June last year with expectations above $30 million but failed to sell and is now being offered for $18m (land, plant and equipment) plus cattle ($750 per head over 100kg).
On offer is a 15,000 head cattle herd (mostly Brahman), including around 6700 breeders.
Held by Tony and Julie Harrower for 45 years, the couple has decided to downsize but maintain Old Mount Bundey Station, south of Darwin, which they purchased in April 2016.
A combination of deep red Kandasol and black soil flats provides farming potential. Currently, Dorisvale is growing 320ha of jarra grass for fodder.
Situated in a high annual rainfall region (1100mm), Dorisvale overlies Oolloo, Tindal and Jinduckin aquifers.
It is also abundantly watered by natural surface water, including the Bradshaw Creek, the Daly River and numerous springs and creeks.
There is also potential to lease neighbouring properties (previously leased by the current owners), adding a further 108,500ha to the breeding operation.
The Harrowers have significantly invested in expanding the watering points, transitioning to solar bores, improved fencing and laneways, and upgrading the main cattle yards.
Infrastructure includes a four-bedroom home, accommodation for management and staff and a large workshop.
LAWD agents Danny Thomas and Olivia Thompson are handling the sale.
NQ freehold block returns to the market
One of the few freehold pastoral enterprises in North Queensland has returned to the market on a walk-in walk-out basis including 2000 head of cattle.
Boasting exceptional water, the 9952ha Rocky Springs borders the Mt Surprise township with 20km of Savannah Way frontage.
After three years of ownership, Rocky Springs is being offered to the market by Brad and Rosie Howe, Zig Zag Station, who are downsizing.
The sale includes more than 1000 breeders with the balance consisting of dry cattle providing immediate cash flow.
Rocky Springs once formed part of the 17,650ha Rocky Springs at Mt Surprise, 400km north-west of Charters Towers.
In November 2019, the original holding was sold to Bruce Angel and Garry Hill who subsequently subdivided it into three freehold blocks.
The smaller 9952ha Rocky Springs features mostly flat to gently undulating forest and basalt country with fertile creek flats and basalt ridges.
The diverse soil composition (chocolate, black and red basalt soils alongside areas of granite) supports lush pastures suitable for rotational and intensive grazing practices.
While currently operating as a breeding facility, the property offers potential for backgrounding and fattening with the expansion of the cropping area.
Since 2010, around 100ha have been planted to leucaena providing a good protein source for cattle through the winter months.
Rocky Springs is an exceptionally well-watered property with both below ground and surface water.
Situated in an 850mm average annual rainfall region, the spring-fed Elizabeth Creek provides permanent water to the property, along with multiple large waterholes, supported by eight bores, two dams and a 180ML irrigation licence.
Infrastructure includes a five-bedroom house, a two-bedroom worker’s cottage, three sheds and cattle yards.
Stockplace Marketing agents Luke Westaway, James Coates and Ashley Naclerio are handling the sale of Rocky Springs.
Reduced price for Gunning’s Walwa
The home of the Walwa Merino Stud on New South Wales’ Southern Tablelands has returned to the market with a $13.7m price tag.
Late last year, the 1046ha Walwa Homestead was offered for sale after 37 years by Alan McCormick who is moving to Goulburn.
It was anticipated to achieve more than $15 million but after failing to sell following an expressions of interest process, Walwa has returned to the market at a reduced price of $13.7m.
Situated near Gurrundah, 28km north of Gunning, the property boasts a string of prominent owners including sheep breeder Sir Walter Merriman and Ros Packer’s parents Dr Stephen and Phyllis Weedon.
Walwa Homestead has a long history of producing wool, lamb and beef, with a carrying capacity of 8090 dry sheep equivalents or 7.7DSE/ha.
The current sheep enterprise encompasses a self-replacing merino flock (1616 ewes), first cross ewe flock (500 ewes), merino wethers (800 head), mixed sex hoggets (562 head) plus stud stock comprising 300 ewes and 100 rams.
The cattle side of the business runs more than 300 mixed head, including 200 females.
The mostly gently undulating country with rolling hills features red basalt and granite soils with areas of shale. Around 540ha are pasture improved with scope to increase this area by a further 125ha.
Forage cropping has recently been incorporated into the paddock rotations with 43ha of grazing canola and 34ha of oats.
The property is watered by 27 dams, a number of natural watercourses and springs.
The property has 13 wind turbines which are part of the Gunning Wind Farm, offering a supplementary income from a renewable energy lease which expires in 2038.
Accommodation includes the historic six-bedroom Walwa homestead built in 1913 and two other homes.
New working improvements include a five-stand shearing shed and yards, steel cattle yards, numerous sheds and two 60-tonne silos.
Walwa Homestead is being sold by LAWD in conjunction with Delta Agribusiness.
NSW far south-west country offers diversity
Around $3m is anticipated for a breeding and grazing enterprise with broadacre cropping capabilities in New South Wales’ far south-west.
The 8429ha Toora Station is located in the Anabranch South district, 50km north of Wentworth and 70km north-west of Mildura.
It is being sold by Colin Andrews after 112 years of single family ownership.
Nutrien Harcourts Mildura agent Michael Fernandez said Toora Station would be suitable as an entry level asset or expansion for existing landholders.
“It is rare for properties in this tightly held area to come to the market, with the last listing around 20 or 30 years ago.”
“As a result, Toora is generating tremendous interest locally and from interstate producers, mainly from Victoria and South Australia who will lease the cropping country.”
Featuring double frontage to the Great Darling Anabranch Creek, which on a high river drains into Lake Toora, the property is also watered by the pressurised anabranch water supply and a private internal supporting pipeline system.
Toora has a history of breeding merino sheep but is equally suited to dorpers or cattle. Under average seasonal conditions, it has an estimated carrying capacity of 2600DSE.
The country is mostly flat to slightly undulating with open grass plains growing blue bush, pearl bush, copper burr, cannon ball, annual forbs and medics and timbered with belah, rosewood, cabbage bush, neila, box and mallee.
Toora is being offered with a cultivation licence and a 62ML general security water licence for irrigation.
Around 1000ha of the soft red loam soil types are cleared and arable, and suitable for dryland cereal cropping or pasture improvement for livestock.
Improvements include a four-bedroom home, a three-bedroom cottage, numerous sheds and sheep yards.
Expressions of interest close on April 26.
Two Qld blocks attract downsizers and entry level producers
Eurella blocks
Entry level producers are showing good interest a 507ha blank canvas in southern Queensland, listed by Knight Frank Agribusiness.
Comprising two adjoining blocks near Eurella, the holding is located 20min from Amby and 1hr south-west of Roma.
Agent Sylvia Godwin said the holding would suit producers seeking a breeding block or re-establishing an old cultivation paddock to fatten cattle or produce crops.
The pastures consist of buffel, Mitchell, nut and swamp grasses with undulating creek flats running into a red stone ridge.
The blocks are well fenced for cattle and watered by lagoons and a dam.
Formal tenders close on April 30.
Crystal Vale
Meantime, investors, downsizers and entry level producers are showing interest in the 197ha Crystal Vale situated near Bouldercombe, 8km from Gracemere and 12km from Rockhampton in Central Queensland.
The country ranges from undulating hills with gravelly soils through to alluvial flats and heavier fertile soils, with some areas suited to cropping.
Currently, the property is running 60 breeders and progeny through to weaners.
Crystal Vale is watered by 990m of Gavial Creek frontage, eight bores (two are equipped), a 2ha irrigation licence and a 32ML licence.
Infrastructure includes a three-bedroom home and a shed.
Crystal Vale will be auctioned on April 30 by Netty Wendt from Ray White Rural.