PHOSPHORUS is an essential nutrient for cattle required for skeletal growth, muscle development, metabolism, and milk production. A deficiency increases, the mortality rate in cows increases, growth rates reduce, and calf weaning weights decline.
Large areas of northern Australia are phosphorus deficient. Knowing if your country is deficient or not, and whether you need to supplement is vital in managing northern Queensland grazing properties.
A map of available phosphorus (bicarbonate extractable) across the state has recently been updated to include the Cape York, Northern Gulf and Southern Gulf catchments, and to be more spatially accurate.
In this BeefConnect* webinar, stakeholders can join Jim Fletcher (Senior Beef Extension Officer, DPI), Stephen Leo (Senior Scientist, DETSI) and Grant Stone (Principal Scientist, DETSI) as they discuss:
- Selecting sites and soil sampling
- Spatial modelling and map production process
- Improvements made on the new map
- Overview of the variability in phosphorous across land types in the sampled catchments
- How to get a FORAGE Indicative Soil Phosphorous report for your property
The webinar will be held from 12.30pm AEST on Thursday, 20 February. Register here to join the webinar.
Beef Connect is a collaboration between FutureBeef and Beef Central. FutureBeef is a collaborative project for the northern Australian beef industry involving Qld Department of Primary Industries; NT Department of Industry; WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development; and Meat & Livestock Australia.