
Recovering from natural disasters – practical help for livestock producers

Beef Central 03/03/2020

Recovery Information Sessions are being held throughout bushfire and drought impacted regions to help livestock producers get ‘Back to Business’ following natural disasters.

A bushfire is one of the world’s most complex and dangerous natural phenomena, involving interactions of chemistry, physics and biology, that anyone in Australia may experience.

Focusing on recovery, experts will be on hand to offer practical advice, tools and information on livestock nutrition, water access and quality, mental health support services and accessing financial and government assistance.

Recovery Information Sessions in NSW are being hosted by Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA), its subsidiary Integrity Systems Company, NSW Department of Primary Industries and NSW Local Land Services with support from industry partners including Dairy Australia, Australian Wool Innovation, and NSW Farmers.

MLA is also working in conjunction state government departments and farming organisations in South Australia and Victoria to schedule events in impacted regions.

MLA Managing Director Jason Strong said the information sessions formed part of a broader response package to support livestock producers during these challenging times.

“MLA has initiated several activities to support bushfire impacted producers as they start the recovery process,” Mr Strong said.

“Events like these are vital – not only as a source of information to assist in the rebuild – but also to bring the community together. That sense of community, and understanding that they are not alone in rebuilding, can be just as important as other practical information.”

“We’ll continue to work with all stakeholders and industry groups to ensure we’re assisting as many landholders as possible to recover following what’s been a very trying summer,” Local Land Services Team Leader Ag Advisory, Tom White, said.

Recovery Information Sessions are open livestock producers and are free of charge. The first round of forums will be held on:
March 4: NABIAC – Nabiac Showground, 9.30am – 2.00pm
March 5: LANSDOWNE, Lansdowne Community Hall, 9.30am – 2.00pm
March 10: JINGELLIC, ‘Karoo’ – 371 Jingellic Road, 2.30pm – 5.30pm
March 10: WINGHAM, Wingham Gold Club, 9.00am – 2.00pm
March 11: TOOMA, ‘Kooyong’, 350 Lower Mannus Creek Road, 8.30am – 11.30am
March 11: TUMBARUMBA, ‘Grassmere’, 179 East Burra Creek Road, 12.30pm – 3.30pm
March 12: YAVEN CREEK, Yaven Creek Fire Shed, Yaven Creek Road, 8.30am – 11.30am
March 12: GLOUCESTER, Gloucester Anglican Church Hall, 9.00am – 2.00pm
March 12: OBERNE, Oberne Hall, 2449 Westbrook Road, 12.30pm – 3.30pm

Further information sessions will be held in New South Wales, South Australia and Victoria in the coming weeks. Dates and locations will be announced once confirmed.

Source: MLA. For more information visit or


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