
Producers urged to contribute to research survey on calf mortality

Beef Central 06/03/2020

LIVESTOCK researchers at the University of Melbourne are reaching out to beef producers in southern Australia to participate in a short survey on calf mortality, and its impact on the industry.

Production losses associated with neo-natal calf mortality (deaths occurring between birth and one month of age) are estimated to cost the Australian beef industry almost $100 million each year.

This MLA funded research project aims to investigate changes in beef herd size, measure the range of calf deaths and identify factors that contribute to the death of neonatal calves in southern Australia.

Outcomes will be used to identify areas of research that could significantly reduce neo-natal calf losses and reproductive inefficiencies within the southern beef industry.

“Real data from real beef producers is critical to this research,” said the primary researcher, Dr Carolina Munoz, a veterinarian who has a PhD in animal welfare.

“Farm owners, managers and employees over the age of 18 are all eligible to participate, but we ask that only one survey per farm be completed,” Dr Munoz said.

Participation is anonymous and confidential, and will take around 20 minutes.

Others on the research team include the University of Melbourne’s Prof Peter Mansell, Dr David Beggs and Dr Kelly Stanger.

For prodcers wanting to know more about the project, or who would prefer to complete a hard copy paper-based version of the survey, contact Dr Carolina Munoz 0424 634321


  • Click here to access the survey on Beef Calf Mortality.







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