Grazing Land Management

Pasture dieback impacting more Qld grazing country

Beef Central 16/02/2017

Indian couch invasion and pasture dieback are impacting large areas of previously very productive central Queensland pastures and the State’s Department of Agriculture and Fisheries says it is stepping up moves to work with graziers to address the issue.

While these problems are not new to the area, their increasing extent and severity is causing major concern across the grazing industry.
Queensland DAF pasture scientists and beef extension staff will conduct two producer forums in March to discuss Indian couch and pasture dieback, its extent and how to address the trend.
“We are running these events due to the concerns producers have about productivity losses as a result of Indian couch invasion and pasture dieback. They are keen to see more research into the causes and solutions to these problems, so productivity losses can be reversed,” DAF beef extension officer Carly Johnstone said.
“We have heard some producers are converting grass paddocks to cropping, to remove Indian couch and enable re-sowing of a new pasture to combat the loss of productivity.”
Pasture scientists Nicole Spiegel and Paul Jones, and pasture agronomist Stuart Buck will provide background information and discuss how producers can advance research into the latest dieback issues.
As there is uncertainty about the potential management options, especially for pasture dieback, researchers are also interested in collecting information from producers on the incidence and characteristics of Indian couch invasion and/or pasture dieback to assess the scope of these problems.
The free community forums will be held at Biloela DAF conference room on Tuesday March 7 and Moura Tavern on Wednesday March 8, from 8.30am-3.30pm. 
Extension staff and researchers are keen to engage with producers from the Callide and Dawson Catchments who are concerned about the impact Indian couch and/or pasture dieback is having on their properties.

Source: Queensland DAF. Please register online or contact Carly Johnstone on 0467 801 673 or or Jo Gangemi on 0477 345 843


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