
Call for R&D funding applications for 2017/18

Beef Central 28/11/2016

Meat & Livestock Australia is calling for individuals, organisations and project teams to submit preliminary proposals for on-farm research, development and adoption (RD&A) projects that benefit sheepmeat and grassfed beef producers.

The 2017/18 MLA annual call invites preliminary proposals for funding to address the three RD&A priorities for the sheepmeat and grassfed beef industries.

The priorities are:

  • Whole farm breeder productivity systems
  • Future feedbase scenarios
  • Profitable and efficient ruminant nutrition.
Michael Crowley

Michael Crowley

MLA general manager for producer consultation and adoption Michael Crowley said the priorities were determined following extensive consultation with grassroots producers.

“MLA’s regional consultation framework gives sheepmeat and grassfed beef producers direct input into what areas of RD&A their levies should be invested,” Mr Crowley said.

“It is based on a number of levels of consultation, starting with regional committees and coordinated producer groups, to provide clear avenues for grassroots producers to have their say on RD&A priorities.”

The priorities are consolidated by the North Australia Beef Research Council, Southern Australia Meat Research Council and Western Australia Livestock Research Council.

They are then taken to the Red Meat Panel – consisting of representatives of Cattle Council of Australia, Sheepmeat Council of Australia, NABRC, SAMRC, WALRC and MLA representatives – for review and endorsement, and the Panel provides advice to the MLA board on the priorities.

Mr Crowley said to meet the selection criteria, proposed projects must demonstrate a clear benefit to Australian sheepmeat and grassfed beef producers.

“The four-page MLA Preliminary Proposal template, which must be used, is on our website, and helps to ensure proposals address the relevant 2017/18 sheepmeat and grassfed beef RD&A priority,” he said.

Panels of northern, southern and western sheepmeat and grassfed beef producers will work with MLA staff to assess the preliminary proposals, with applicants meeting the selection criteria in stage one then invited to submit a full proposal.

Stage two of the process will see full proposals assessed for their technical merit by an independent expert panel prior to consideration by the Red Meat Panel.

Application forms for preliminary proposals are available on the MLA website and should be submitted electronically before 6pm Friday, 23 December 2016.

  • For information on the 2017/18 MLA annual R&D project call, click here. 


Source: MLA


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