
Water for Fodder program to commence next week

Beef Central 02/12/2019

Heavily discounted water for fodder will be available for farmers in the southern connected Basin from the second week of December.

Farmers can apply to purchase water from the Commonwealth Water for Fodder program.

Minister for Water Resources and Drought David Littleproud released guidelines for the program on Saturday.

“Water for Fodder will help farmers feed livestock so they can recover quickly when the drought breaks,” Minister Littleproud said.

“It will help farmers keep their herds healthy so they’re not forced to destock.

“This keeps farmers doing what they do best and provides hope in tough times.

“Farmers can apply for the first 40 GL in the second week of December with water flowing by Christmas.

“I commend South Australia for helping make this 100 GL available and affordable.

“Using their desalination plant will make sure Adelaide has enough water while freeing up water in the Murray for farmers.

“This programme will produce up to 120,000 tonnes of fodder, supporting a healthy, working Basin.

“Our vision is for farm businesses and rural communities to be prepared for and capable of managing drought. This is just one part of our drought plan.”

 Source: Minister for Drought. For eligibility and to apply, visit or email


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  1. April Luchetta, 03/12/2019

    Paying for water !!! I understand that certain measures need to be put in place , however I don’t think the measures put in place should be to detriment of people lively hoods.
    Our country has become over regulated , our government is more interested in big business and corporations , instead of looking at the long term objectives, on building a sustainable country We will become reliant on other countries and they will charge us $$$$$$$.
    There’s enough water for everyone , water management is a big issue..
    Its sad and extremely disappearing , not to say illegal, an against our own constitution…

  2. Tony Duncan, 02/12/2019

    Water for those down south is great to produce feed but the price to get it to Warwick qld is around $6600 plus GST for a semi before we pay for the feed. At that cost who can lat out the drought, not us. We do not get subsidies

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