
Steel post straightener big hit at Henty Machinery Field Days + VIDEO

James Nason 19/09/2018

MANY people would like to re-use steel posts recovered from old fences, but finding a way to successfully and efficiently straighten them has always been a challenge.

Mudgee, NSW, farming contractor Daryl Irving was trying to re-straighten old steel pickets using the underneath of a ute tray and a tow ball when the idea for a mechanised solution came to him.

“I thought there has got to be an easier way than this,” he said.

Later that night over a few beers he traced out on a piece paper a concept for a mobile, petrol motor-driven machine that uses internal rollers to re-straighten steel posts.

Working with his good mate and business partner Dan Robinson, the idea has since been refined and developed and then turned into an award winning machine that has been well and truly tested in paddock conditions.

Daryl and Dan have a contracting business in which they travel to properties where owners are keen to recycle and reuse old piles of bent posts.

They charge $2.50 plus GST per post to restraighten posts, which compares to prices of several dollars per unit to for new posts.

Their service effectively converts a pile of old bent posts into a neatly stacked bundle of repaired and sorted posts.

“That is one of the bonuses, a person doesn’t have to go to town and buy new ones and have to cart stuff, they have already got the posts at home,” Dan said.

The first prototype built with the help of family engineering company, Leussink, on the NSW south coast a few years ago has since restraightened more than 85,000 posts and is still going strong, needing only the replacement of a new set of drive chains, worth $75, since that time.

Daryl said he has put a lot of re-straightened posts back into the ground with a pneumatic driver, into some very rocky and hard ground, and has seen no evidence the restraightened posts lose strength, and had received no complaints from previous clients.

Daryl said they held off selling the units until they were able to test the machine in field conditions and prove they were tough enough to work.

Having now put more than 130,000 steel posts through the first prototypes, they’re confident the machines’ toughness has now been demonstrated.

Operating under the business name Post Straightening Australia Pty Ltd, Daryl and Dan are now selling their patented post-straightener.

They debuted the machine at the AgGrow field days at Emerald in June and have taken it to another four field days around the country in recent months, picking up awards for innovation at the Nyngan, NSW and Newdegate, WA events along the way.

Yesterday the post straightener was named runner up out of 28 machines entered in the Henty Machinery Field Days Machine of the Year Award at Henty in NSW.

Daryl said fencing contractors and larger pastoral companies are the most likely purchasers of the machine.

“We are extremely proud of what we have developed and look forward to seeing people purchasing our machines to start their own business doing a farm to farm service, saving farmers money and also making a great living while travelling our great country meeting new and interesting people,’’ Daryl said.

Is there any bent post that can’t be straightened? Daryl said the only bent posts the machine has been unable to straighten are those been pulled out of the ground using a four-in-one-bucket on a front-end loader, which crimps the top and means they can’t be fed into the machine.

“If you can get the end in the machine they’re generally pretty good.”




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  1. Mark Braz, 07/02/2025

    Price for a machine or 2 please, plus transport to Brisbane.

  2. Angel Johnson, 27/11/2024

    Would like to get price for machine dnd shipping or could pick it up.

  3. Benn Kinivan, 04/10/2024

    I’m in Geraldton Western Australia and was considering buying one of your machines and hiring myself out with it like you’re doing in QLD.
    I’m from QLD originally and I’m a kangaroo shooter here now and know a lot of farmers.
    Let me know if you can help.
    Benn Kinivan.

  4. Randall Crosswell, 24/08/2024

    Hi, would you be able to email me some more information, prices etc. Cheers

  5. Dave Cameron, 21/08/2024

    Great idea. Would you please send me more info, prices, parts, photos. Thank you.

  6. Tom Oden, 01/08/2024

    price on machine for 4ft post

  7. Rhett, 23/06/2024

    May I get some info and a price please.

  8. Anthony Bain, 26/05/2024

    Could I get a price on your post straightener machine tk Melbourne please .

  9. Jody Heinle, 20/04/2024

    Since I live in Montana, how do I go about buying one of these t post straighters?

  10. David, 18/04/2024

    Are you able to provide me with some specs and price on a machine?

  11. mick willis, 18/02/2024

    i would like to know the price and weight of this machine what drives it and any imformation you can give me thank you

  12. Josh crawford, 28/01/2024

    Hi mate,

    Could I please get a price and wait time for this machine?


  13. Kenny L Garst, 02/01/2024

    I would like a price quote on the tee post straightner, please Thank you

  14. Tyrrell Harvey, 16/12/2023

    Howdy fella I’m interested in buying a machine and would like to know the price and waiting time on it cheers from Ty

  15. Mike N Wilborn, 28/10/2023

    I too am looking to purchase one of the fence post straighteners. Where can I look?


  16. Darryl, 20/06/2023

    Hi Daryl , Dan

    I am interested in purchasing one of your Tbar straighteners. what would it cost and do you have any available?

    thank you,
    Darryl Hora

  17. Rodney hunter, 16/01/2023

    Hi I’m interested in a post straightener ,I live in goulburn nsw r u in this area close to me,,, do u have a price list also

  18. Graeme (Jack) Pollock, 14/07/2022

    Very interested in the machine you have built I am a Olde person who came off the land would like to speak with someone about this invention
    Jack Pollock

  19. Jason Gawriluk, 08/07/2022

    Please tell me how and where to purchase.
    Thank you

  20. Jason Devries, 10/06/2022

    Hi. Could I please get a price on this unit & where could I see one in operation .
    I live in Kalgoorlie but travel to Perth often.

  21. Jeff, 10/06/2022

    Hi it’s Jeff here I would like to know how much to purchase the machine and are parts easy to get ?

  22. jason gawriluk, 06/05/2022

    where can I purchase one please?

  23. Jason, 11/03/2022

    Hi guys I just wondering if you can purchase these post straighteners and what would the price be thanks.

  24. Wayne Erwin, 05/02/2022

    Like it what’s price on them and parts easy to get in United States in south Carolina

  25. sharat chandra roy, 31/01/2022

    we are very much interested to purchase this machine. let us know the price on my mail id.

  26. John Turner, 27/01/2022

    Interested in buying a machine

  27. DARRYL HORA, 07/01/2022

    Hi Daryl & Dan

    I am interested in purchasing on of your T Post straighteners. They look awesome, How much are they and how long would it take to get one? I would also if you need anyone in Canada to be your distributor.

    thank you,
    Darryl Hora

    • Bryan thompson, 16/04/2022

      Hi guys I was wondering what would be the purchase price on one of your machines delivered to Western Australia as I am interested in a side business for me and my son to do together
      Great idea and well done
      Regards Bryan

  28. Jim Allenbaugh, 24/11/2021

    I’m in Pawnee Oklahoma USA and would be interested in purchasing a post straightener what is the price & shipping to the USA Would also be interested in become a dealer ship here in the United States.

  29. DARRYL HORA, 25/09/2021

    Hi Daryl , Dan

    i am looking for a t post straighter, in Canada. would you have any to purchase?

    thank you

  30. Alan Reeves how much is this unit worth, 21/07/2021

    How much is this unit worth

  31. David Hall, 05/07/2021

    Just asking about the cost of the machine itself; thanku: David Hall

  32. chri, 27/06/2021

    i m in newcastle ontairo canada , would like to no the coast


  33. SAMUEL JENYNS, 21/02/2021

    How much for an individual machine?

    • Mark, 25/02/2021

      Hi Daryl. Just want to know a price on the steel post straightener. Cheers mark

  34. scott, 07/02/2021

    how much to buy post straightener

  35. thomas Offner, 05/12/2020

    I would also like to know the cost$
    location: Montana USA

  36. David Brack, 03/12/2020

    Would like to know the delivered price, to the state of Montana, U.S.
    Thank you,
    Best regards

  37. Jason Mcglynn, 31/01/2020

    Hi guys
    I would like to know the price of this machine and availability please.

  38. Gregory Harris, 13/10/2019

    Hi Daryl, just wondering what is the cost of machine ready to go?

  39. Steve Good, 11/08/2019

    Just need to know a price to purchase a picket straightener
    Thank you

  40. Jeff Sexton, 08/05/2019

    Price please

  41. Kevin .W.Huett, 19/03/2019

    I have a motor and hyd pump .Can you supply me the rollers please

    • Allan J Smith, 21/09/2019

      Hey Dan just to wish you well mate with the Post Straightener
      also not sure but one of my Sons may be interested ia a purchase but will have to wait till I can catch up with him
      btw thanks for the Squid lesson mate

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