Meat & Livestock Australia plans to shelve its long-standing Statistical Review in favour of a new web-based data and information resource, accessible by all stakeholders.
The producer-owned industry service delivery company has launched an online Statistics Database, in a new initiative aimed, it says, at “empowering producers and the wider industry to use this market information for their own commercial benefit, and to underpin their business decisions.”
The new database allows users to access a long-term compilation of industry prices, production and consumption data, as well as price information and trade statistics from a number of key export markets.
Going forward, the Statistical Review document, previously released on a fiscal year basis, will no longer be compiled, given all levels of the red meat industry now have the ability to access the new database of market statistics.
“The transition towards the online database allows users to access the most up-to-date data, at any time,” MLA said this week.
A quick trial by Beef Central this morning to test the database quickly and efficiently presented an Excel spreadsheet of US beef cutout values, on a monthly basis.
The database, accessible here, is still in a trial phase, and MLA has asked interested stakeholders visiting the site to provide feedback on their user experience.