
Scholarships offered to get more rural women on boards

Beef Central 24/07/2014

Women from regional and rural Australia now have an opportunity to apply for 30 scholarships to undertake Australian Institute of Company Directors’ governance courses, under a new Federal Government initiative.

The scholarships are part of a new $650,000 Board Diversity Scholarship Program recently announced by Assistant Minister for Women Michaela Cash.

The scheme will allow 140 talented women across Australia, including 30 from regional and rural areas, to undertake AICD governance courses, with the Government’s funding to be matched by the AICD.

The Rural & Remote Diversity Scholarship Program will award:

  • 30 scholarships to suitably qualified experienced women;
  • Reimbursement of accommodation and travel costs up to $2000;
  • 12 months’ membership to the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

To be eligible for the program applicants must reside outside a main metropolitan city or urban area that has a population of more than 100,000 people. If the candidate resides in an urban area with a population of less than 100,000 people they are eligible to apply for this scholarship.

For more information on guidelines and selection criteria click here to visit the AICD website.

Applications close at 5pm (AEST) next Thursday, July 31.

Senator Cash said the program is designed to bolster the participation of women on boards without going down the path of introduced legislated quotas.

News Limited recently reported that women hold just 18.2 per cent of positions on ASX 200 boards.

In response to the low representation Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick has previously warned quotas could be necessary if companies don’t act to promote more women.


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