
Recruitment: Three ways to find the right candidate for the job

Beef Central 26/04/2013


Latest listings on Beef Central’s recruitment page, ‘Jobs Central’:

  • Technical assistant – AA Co
  • Gourmet Head-butcher – Knight’s Meats & Deli
  • Managing Director, agribusiness information systems (Rimfire Resources) client)
  • Head stockman – AA Co
  • Customer Support Officer (Livestock Exchange)
  • Corporate Services & Commodities Coordinator (Mort & Co Lotfeeders)
  • Trainee Livestock Buyer (Teys Australia)

To access Jobs Central page, including full listings and job descriptions, click here




It’s an old story commonly talked about amongst employers – “We are looking for the most efficient and effective way to fill open positions with the most qualified candidates available.”

Here are three ways to find the right candidates for your job opening:


Draw candidates in with a unique culture

Got a great company culture? It’s about time you let your business do the talking.

Employers that place a strong focus on their exceptional company culture not only retain employees for longer periods of time, but they also draw in more qualified candidates.

Going the extra mile to market your company’s unique and valuable culture will allow both active and passive job seekers to directly seek out positions with you. And these won’t be your run-of-the-mill candidates who apply to every job listing they come across – they will usually knock your socks off with their qualifications and ‘fit’.

Every company has their own unique culture, but it’s your job to go out of the way to express why your company is just plain better. A strong company culture goes beyond hosting a fantastic social function — although those are enticing. Good company culture means placing a high value on employees through assorted acts of engagement, growth opportunities, respect, and most importantly, a shared vision for the future.


Move past what’s on paper

You’re never going to find employees that truly fit your position unless you move past what’s on paper. Your candidates are living, breathing specimens – focus on getting to know them in more ways than one. Just because a candidate has the experiences and references to set them apart from the competition, doesn’t necessarily secure them as having what it takes to meet your on-the-job qualifications.

Don’t let a gleaming resume lower your guard. Use your hiring process as a time to get to the ‘big picture’ for each of your candidates by asking the tough questions and involving them with hands-on experiences. Drop the standard hiring process and create a unique multi-faceted way to truly assess your top candidates for each new job opening.


Look past the perfect interview

A strong interview might not always be a good indication of the actual qualifications of a candidate. While the potential candidate may receive high praise for their ability to effectively communicate their skills and experiences, keep in mind that articulation won’t get to the root of what they can really bring to the position.

Continue to move toward next steps in your hiring process that reveal the true influence this candidate will have on your company.

Determining whether a candidate is the perfect fit for your job opening shouldn’t involve a quick fix. You will never get to the bottom line of what a candidate can bring to your business unless you create a specific way to ensure the proper assessment of their qualifications.

Director of labour solutions firm, AWX, Cameron Dart says while finding a candidate who fits perfectly into a position, as well as the overall company culture is an absolute must, it can also be an absolute challenge.

“Having said that, there just isn’t a quick fix for finding the right candidate, especially when you’re hoping to fill highly specialised positions.

“Sometimes it just takes challenging candidates to truly find their worth,” Mr Dart said.




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