
Recruitment: Dismissal is never easy, but it can be done with compassion

Beef Central 20/03/2020

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FIRING an employee is never easy for any employer and can be one of the hardest things a leader has to do.

But when an employee is simply not a good fit for the business or hasn’t shown their best work or skills, it is usually best for both parties that they leave.

Here are some methods to remember to make the process easier for both the person doing the firing and the employee being dismissed:

Phrase it well

As an employer, make sure you have prepared what you are going to say prior to speaking with the employee face-to-face.

You don’t have to have a script written, however it is best you have it clear in your mind the main reasons why the employee in question isn’t working out.

List dot points of the important points you want to raise and have them clear in your mind.

Explain why they’re not a good fit for your business succinctly and don’t go into an argument if they try to question your reasons.

Try not to ramble too much or go off point; don’t sugar-coat the explanation, as chances are, they won’t remember the nicer things you’ve said when they’ve just lost their job.

 Timing is important

Do it earlier in the day. The employer won’t be able to focus if they have to sit on it all day while the employee could feel even more cheated if they have to leave without the chance to say goodbye to co-workers.

There is no point delaying a dismissal once a decision has been made, so cut to the chase. Have the timeframe in mind when you want them to finish up, and have a plan in mind of who and how their workload will be taken over.

Always do it face-to-face and offer a letter of reference (granted the reason for dismissal isn’t because they have violated the company’s policies or done something illegal).

Make sure to explain what happens next; do they need to return any company property (keys, pass cards, equipment?)

Also explain what their final pay will be: for example they will be paid up until a certain date, and should receive this amount.

Give the departing employee the chance to ask any questions, however stick to your talking points, and reiterate your reasons if need be.

There is never an easy way around firing someone, but it doesn’t have to be unkind.

By following these methods, you have a better chance of dignity and mutual respect remaining intact for both the employer and the employee.


Source: Meat Processors Pty Ltd











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