
Recruitment: Getting an entry-level start in the beef industry

Beef Central 11/12/2020

Latest listings on Jobs Central recruitment page:

  • Skilled Meat Workers – Australian Country Choice
  • NRM Project Officer, Mt Isa – Southern Gulf NRM
  • Farm Manager, Gippsland – via Rimfire Resources
  • Beef Export Sales Manager – Australian Country Choice
  • Manager Publications, AgriFutures Australia – via Rimfire Resources
  • Farm Overseer, Oberon area – via Spinifex Recruiting
  • Manager – Olinda Park, Dalby – Gibson Grazing
  • Administration Supervisor + Livestock Overseer, CVLX – AAMIG
  • Trainee Manager, Feedlot – Peechelba Beef
  • Stud Stock Coordinator –  Stocklive
  • Manager Alice Downs, Blackall – Alice Downs Grazing Co
  • Overseer, Dryland Cropping – via Rimfire Resources
  • MSA Senior Business Development Officer – MLA
  • Trade Fair Coordinator – Beef Australia 2021
  • Manager, King Island – TRT Pastoral Group
  • Click here to access these and other exciting meat and livestock supply chain jobs currently listed on Jobs Central.

IF you’re a youngster looking to launch your career in the beef industry in the new year and don’t know where to start, here are a few resources that might help you on your way.

It’s always best to start with a career plan, so you can tailor your job search in the right direction. Invest a bit of time in better understanding each segment along the beef supply chain to help you narrow-down your search to an area that appeals most. Refresh your resume, so it is a slick and professional snapshot of you and your background. Also reach out to your networks and let people know you are looking.

You are likely to do a bit of job searching online, so here are a few places you can visit…

The People in Agriculture website ( is a useful go-to place for guidance and inspiration for employment in the Australian agriculture sector, including beef. A whole section of this site is dedicated to employees and how to help them navigate the challenge of securing a position. The site was developed with support from Rural Research and Development Corporations and Meat & Livestock Australia.

If your passion is in the feedlot industry, the Australia Lot Feeders Association is a great place to start. Visit the careers section on ALFA’s website ( and register your details. When suitable positions become available, you’ll receive job notifications to your inbox, and you can submit your resume and profile so prospective employers can see you, too.

It’s also worth keeping a regular eye on Beef Central’s recruitment platform, Jobs Central, which is updated weekly with a wide variety of new jobs listings, and carries a weekly topical article, like this one, about issues in the recruitment, people management and human resources space. Jobs listed cover a vast spectrum from hands-on extensive and intensive cattle production, lotfeeding positions, processing, meat sales and marketing, logistics, HR, quality assurance and others. Similar pages appear on the sister websites, Sheep Central and Grain Central.

A useful list of skills and competencies required for employment in the cattle production sector are detailed in the  Beef industry on-station quality workforce handbook (PDF, 1MB), developed by the Queensland Government’s Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, in consultation with beef industry leaders. In this handbook, you’ll find career pathways for the various on-station roles in the beef production sector.

Social media role

Social media is a great way to stay across employment opportunities. Follow bigger pastoral companies on social media platforms like Facebook. These companies frequently advertise vacant positions for a variety of roles on cattle and sheep stations.

Most of the larger family and corporate-owned pastoral companies have websites featuring recruitment sections, clearly spelling out the annual hiring process across cattle production, lotfeeding, logistics, admin and other roles. Visit their websites, have a look at current vacancies, and fill in the online application forms and submit your resume.

Here are a few examples:

These are just a few suggestions and by no means an exhaustive list. If you find a really great resource we’d love to hear about it – simply contact us via the readers’ comment box at the bottom of this article.


Source: FutureBeef




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  1. Sarah Cameron, 22/07/2017

    I am always a fan of what Rimfire Resources are doing –

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