
Recruitment: Attracting the best employees like the Top 25 do

Beef Central 08/07/2016

Latest listings on Jobs Central recruitment page:

  • Sales/BDM – Beef Nutrition (Agricultural Appointments client)
  • Livestock Supervisor – Beef City Feedlot (JBS)
  • Feedmill Operator – Charlton Feedlot (Teys)
  • Senior Property Overseer – South Australia location
  • International Business Manager-North America (MLA)
  • Area Sales Manager – Livestock Technology (Rimfire client)
  • General Station Hands – Aroona, NT (McLoughlin)
  • Administration – (Mort & Co)
  • Technical Assistant – Newcastle Waters (CPC)
  • Rangelands Officer – NQ  (AA Co)
  • Instructor (Meat Processing) – QATC
  • Mechanic & Cook – Rocklands Station (Paraway)

Click here to access these and other exciting meat and livestock supply chain jobs currently listed on Jobs Central.


northern cattle muster recruitment


WE MAY not all be ranked in the ‘Top 25 places to work in Australia,’ as recently selected by LinkedIn, but we could take a leaf out of their books to help attract new staff to our agribusiness workplaces.

You will see some big names on this list like big four banks, Coles, Qantas and BUPA – who are also some of Australia’s largest employers.

So what can your red meat supply chain business learn from these influencers to attract the best people?

For small businesses that might not have the deep pockets of these big businesses, large HR teams or communications experts, we recommend utilising social media to show off your brand and help entice potential candidates.

One of the great ways for small businesses to show off their workplace is to use social media to share photos and videos of what’s going on – people can get a feel of what your business is about.

Some other things to consider that are not going to break the bank are hosting a barbecue lunch or group training sessions, it is all a great way to display and demonstrate the culture of your workplace.

Creating and showing off a positive working environment has to come from the top. Building a positive work environment cannot be delegated and your senior management team must lead from example.

Having a positive work environment and these small benefits in place, like leaving for work by 5pm everyday are small things your staff will value highly and will help keep your turnover rate low. Also assist in future attraction strategy strategies for hiring like-minded people like your current staff.

Just because your business in not mentioned on the ‘Top Attractors’ list, does not mean you are not attracting top talent and therefore you should always be connecting with potential employees as much as possible – even if you are not in recruitment mode.

A great and low cost way to do this is through the use of social media on an ongoing basis. It is a great way to best represent your company and gives potential employees a feel of what the leadership team values and what they stand for.

There is currently a war for talent in the agriculture space, and if you’re competing against another business which does not do these things, you’re going to have a huge advantage.

This maybe the difference between attracting good talent, and attracting great talent.




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  1. Brett Page, 09/07/2016

    Well said Hannah Smith , quite often a new employee can successfully do their new job but simply doesn’t adjust successfully to the culture of the new workplace .

  2. Hannah Smith, 08/07/2016

    It is not unusual for experienced staff and staff who want to stay with an organisation for a long time to be more focused on culture and the working environment than other potential employees who are trying to find a role that will look good on their CV when they are applying for their next job. Consider describing your culture in your adverting, just make sure it is accurate description. Employees who don’t get what they expect are often more unhappy than employees who have an accurate view of a workplace before they start, even it that environment is less than ideal. You need to manage expectations.

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