
NSW Farmers calls on Australian Museum to be fair with farming facts

Beef Central 22/01/2025

A display at the Australian Museum has recently come under fire for only telling a one sided story on the livestock industry.

NEW South Wales Farmers says misinformation about emissions produced by livestock is continues to circulate, with a display at Sydney’s Australian Museum being the latest demonstration of it.

Beef Central was sent a picture of Museum’s Future Now exhibit, which had a display of a cow with phrases shouting that cows are “warming the planet” and encouraging visitors to “eat more plants and less [beef]”. (see last week’s story here)

NSW Farmers’ Board member Oscar Pearse said the museum missed out a lot of facts.

“This is a museum that welcomes a million visitors through its doors each year and yet its curators have totally failed to pay attention to getting their facts straight,” Mr Pearse said.

“If they’d done their research, they would have found that Australian red meat is not only extremely healthy and high protein, but also a sustainable choice that they should be encouraging consumers to put in their grocery cart.

“The Australian red meat industry is one of the least emissions-intensive livestock sectors in the world, and it is constantly developing new technology, tools and projects to drive further gains in sustainability and carbon capture for the future.”

Investment in educational programs and initiatives to share the true story of Australian agriculture was long overdue, Mr Pearse said, with governments having a responsibility to educate school students about where their food comes from.

“School students and their families deserve to know the good story about how their healthy, fresh food and fibre is grown right here in Australia, and right now, there is a scary number of people who don’t know that story at all,” Mr Pearse said.

“In a time where the cost of living and global food insecurity is surging, it’s critical we continue to engage the next generation and show them farmers grow the sustainable food and fibre that feeds and clothes the world.

“Without our farmers, we have no future.”


Source: NSW Farmers









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  1. Peter Vincent, 24/01/2025

    Australian Museum staff are unlikely to look for any evidence concerning a subject which is a popular weapon used to kill agriculture but of which they are completely ignorant.
    Rather than standing idle and pointing a finger perhaps NSW Farmers should present evidence for the good and THEN accuse the museum of populist bias.

  2. Ken Chan, 23/01/2025

    Mr. Pearse, You are so right.
    “Without our farmers, we have no future.”

  3. Rory McGuire, 22/01/2025

    NSW Farmers’ response to the Australian Museum‘s rather substandard exhibit completely misses the point they should have made. Some months ago a Beef Central reader, a grazier not a scientist, accurately pointed out that livestock operate in the organic carbon cycle, which contributes practically nothing to atmospheric carbon — because carbon produced by livestock would otherwise have been produced by decaying feed. The only net carbon produced by grazing comes from related human actions — transport, feed and meat processing etc, all of which rely on fossil fuels and so contribute new carbon to the atmosphere.

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