Understanding the role of fire management on northern pastoral properties is the focus of a new research development and extension plan being funded by Meat and Livestock Australia.
Dr Gay Crowley of Firescape Science leads the team that has been engaged by MLA to design the plan.
The RD&E project will examine all documented uses of fire, including improving pasture condition, managing woody weeds and improving carbon storage. It will examine whether fire management options that have been well demonstrated in one area are applicable in other areas.
Dr Crowley said some graziers were reluctant to burn because they were unsure how much rain they would receive in the following wet season and how long it would take for pastures to recover after fire.
“Graziers worry about short-term pasture losses and it’s difficult to predict conditions six to 12 months down the track,” she said.
Another issue was to understand why fire recommendations based on well-designed research studies were not being taken up.
As a result Dr Crowley said the RD&E Plan would emphasise input from pastoralists and graziers to identity fire management issues and to be part of the development of solutions along with the researchers.
The plan would also map out people, organisations, infrastructure and resources that can be brought together in an integrated program to address regional issues.
“The aim is then for regional alliances to use the Plan as the basis for applications to various funding bodies to address regional fire management needs,” she said.
Pastoralists and graziers can help in the development of the plan by identifying fire management issues in their region through a short on-line survey (www.surveymonkey.com/s/FireInNorthernGrazingLands-LandManagers).
There is also a survey for staff involved in grazing extension, Landcare coordination and fire management training (www.surveymonkey.com/s/FireInNorthernGrazingLands-Extension).
A draft of the RD&E Plan should be available for comment in early August.
Opportunities to comment on the Plan will be organised through local extension and Landcare offices.