
NLIS management workshops for Vic livestock producers

Beef Central 05/02/2020

Agriculture Victoria is holding a series of practical, hands-on workshops in February and March for sheep, goat and cattle producers on how to use the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) database.

The workshops will walk producers through their NLIS requirements and navigation, completion of movement transactions and reporting functions on the NLIS database.

Participants will also learn how to update their Property Identification Code (PIC) details.

All sheep, goats and cattle tagged with an electronic NLIS tag must be transferred on the NLIS database when they are moved between two different Victorian Property Identification Codes (PIC).

Agriculture Victoria Technical Specialist Kirstie Anderson said the aim was for producers to understand their livestock traceability requirements and how to manage their NLIS database account.

The recent bushfire events across Victoria has demonstrated just how important it is to keep PIC details up-to-date.

Dates and locations

(all sessions run from 10 am to 3pm, with lunch provided).

Ellinbank – Thursday 13 February at Agriculture Victoria, 1301 Hazeldean Road, Ellinbank

Leongatha – Friday 14 February at Agriculture Victoria, 12 Pearl Street, Leongatha

Camperdown – Tuesday 18 February at WestVic Dairy, 5 Cressy Street, Camperdown

Hamilton – Thursday 20 February at Agriculture Victoria, 915 Napier Road, Hamilton

Dookie – Friday 28 February at University of Melbourne, 940 Dookie/Nalinga Road, Dookie

Seymour – Friday 13 March at DELWP, 15 Hume and Hovell Road, Seymour

Echuca – Wednesday 25 March at Agriculture Victoria, Corner Ogilivie Ave/Annesley Street, Echuca

Ararat – Wednesday 25 March at Agriculture Victoria, Shire Hall Barkly Street, Ararat

Horsham – Tuesday 31 March at Agriculture Victoria, 110 Natimuk Road, Horsham

Webinar – Monday 16 and 23 March For further information on NLIS requirements and PICS is available at

Source: Agriculture Victoria. Numbers are limited, early registrations are encouraged – register her For more information on the workshops, or to register over the phone, please contact Kirstie Anderson at Agriculture Victoria on (03) 5761 1647.


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  1. Struss Bim, 08/02/2020

    An excellent initiative. It should be replicated throughout all Australian States.

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