The new Australian animal welfare standards and guidelines for the land transport of livestock are now available on the internet.
The new standards will effectively replace six previous model codes of practice for the welfare of animals and allow a greater degree of national consistency in welfare standards.
Animal Health Australia (AHA) has been working with a wide range of industries and sections of the community since 2005 on the development of new and improved standards and guidelines.
“It has been a long and at times difficult journey, but there are many benefits for the livestock industries involved in the introduction of these new standards and guidelines,” said AHA CEO Mike Bond said.
These include acceptable animal welfare standards, greater legislative harmonisation across all states and territories and an agreed decision-making process, which will involve a review of the standards in five years’ time.
“The standards and guidelines provide a clear position and messages for industry extension and quality assurance programs. Next steps will be for governments and relevant industries to engage in communicating the changes and requirements the new standards will bring about for everyone who is affected,” Dr Bond said.
“The Australian community now has a clear expectation that animal welfare is an integral part of all stages of livestock production and these standards will provide essential points of reference.”
The new guidelines are available online by clicking here