
BeefConnect webinar – Learning from Cash Cow

Beef Central 25/08/2014

ONE of the largest and most comprehensive cattle research projects ever conducted across northern Australia has unearthed a treasure trove of opportunity to improve the region’s reproductive performance.

The objective of the ambitious Cash Cow project, started back in 2007, has been to explore the complex set of challenges which impact on beef cow reproductive performance across northern Australia, and provide some solutions for future improvement.

On Wednesday this week, a Beef Connect webinar will be held exploring the key outcomes from the research.

The research team put together to devise and manage the project included many of the nation’s best known animal reproductive scientists, nutritionists, veterinarians and specialists in other disciplines.

Wednesday’s webinar, starting at Noon, will use conclusions from the Cash Cow project to answer the question, ‘How is my beef breeding business going?’, using a practical approach.

Listeners will be introduced to a spreadsheet that will help them:

  • develop key performance indicators for their breeding herd
  • measure estimates of beef production from their breeding herd
  • create benchmarks defining what level of beef production and reproductive performance is commercially achievable by country type
  • identify the major factors that affect the likelihood of a cow contributing a weaner each year.

Who should register for this webinar?

This event is for anyone involved along the red meat supply chain including producers, processors, brand managers, supply chain managers, agents, consultants and consumers.

The session will be recorded and a link sent to everyone who registers. So if you can’t attend on the day, you won’t miss out.

To join in this webinar:

1. Reserve your webinar seat now by following this link. Or copy and paste this into your web browser:

You need to register to receive your personal login details (if you don’t receive an automated response within a minute or so, check your junk email folder).

2. Click the option to ‘Add to Outlook calendar’ to get an automated reminder to join the webinar.

3. Test your computer set-up beforehand by going to this Citrix website ( and click on the ‘Join a session’ link. If you have problems, contact your local computer support provider or the friendly GoToWebinar support people (1800 356 792 in Australia).

4. Join 10 minutes early on the day of the webinar. You can interact by typing questions in the Q&A panel or by raising your electronic hand.

This is a Beef Connect event, brought to you through a partnership between FutureBeef and Beef Central.

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