We have witnessed catastrophic bushfires roar through millions of hectares of rural and regional Australia, much of it farm land. The number of people and animals affected, plus the amount of infrastructure and vegetation destroyed is unprecedented.
The thoughts of everyone at MLA – some of who have been directly impacted – are with those who have lost loved ones, property, land and livestock.
While we are still in the tight grip of this crisis, it is becoming increasingly clear how challenging the recovery process will be – as those who have lost everything start to look at what the future may hold.
MLA is here to support producers in any way we can. Currently the focus is rightly on helping those producers who are needing immediate assistance, with MLA in close contact with the Department of Agriculture, State government, Peak Industry Councils, State Farming Organisations and livestock producers on the ground.
Impact to livestock
The extent of the full impact to livestock is unknown and will take time to understand.
What we do know is that there are close to 80,000 property identification codes in the main affected regions.
Our latest information is that 9% of the national cattle herd live in regions that have been significantly impacted and a further 11% in regions partially impacted.
For sheep, 13% of the national flock live in regions that have been significantly impacted and a further 17% in regions partially impacted.
Over the coming days, MLA will be working with the various state bodies to gain a more accurate picture of livestock numbers affected.
If possible, reporting of stock losses to the relevant state department is encouraged, to help authorities assess the extent of the damage and determine what assistance will be required for recovery.
MLA’s wholly owned subsidiary, Integrity Systems Company (ISC), is working behind the scenes to remove any non-essential regulatory requirements for affected producers related to the Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) program.
For producers in the affected areas that have been contacted recently to complete their LPA accreditation renewal process, this has now been deferred until further notice. Any upcoming LPA audits scheduled for the affected region will also be held off until a future date.
Please get in touch with the ISC Helpdesk via 1800 683 111 or support@integritysystems.com.au if you have any questions.
You will also see below that we have prepared a detailed list of useful information and key contacts. At the very top of this list is a link to the National Farmers Federation Farm Hub page that contains important information on mental health resources.
Please utilise this information and keep a close eye on family and friends. This is an extremely challenging time for many producers and we must do everything we can to help each other through it. Our thoughts and best wishes are with everyone impacted.
Useful information
Mental health resources
A full list of available mental health services can be accessed directly on the Farm Hub website
Lifeline can be contacted on 13 11 14.
Emergency assistance
New South Wales disaster welfare assistance line: 1800 018 444 for emergency shelter, food, water or other essentials.
Victoria emergency – Relief and Recovery Centres and Financial Assistance information.
The Australian Government has extended assistance for people affected by the bushfires. Assistance is available if you can show you lost income or have been adversely affected as a direct result of the bushfires. For more information click here or call 180 22 66.
Agricultural resources
- State recovery assistance services
- Fodder and water for stock: Local Land Services and NSW DPI, 1800 814 647
- Stock loss and assessment: Local Land Services and NSW DPI, 1800 814 647
- Animal facilities for relocated livestock
- Mental health support:
- NSW Mental Health Line, 1800 011 511
- Rural Adversity Mental Health Program (RAMHP)
- State recovery assistance services
- Fodder requests and donations: Victorian Farmers Federation, 1300 882 833
- Stock loss and assessment: Agriculture Victoria, 1800 226 226
- Mental health support: Latrobe Regional Hospital East Gippsland Community Mental Health Service
- Sale, 03 5143 1212 (AH: 1300 363 322)
- Bairnsdale, 03 5150 3444 (AH: 1300 363 322)
- Orbost, 03 5154 1807 (AH: 1300 363 322)
South Australia
- State recovery assistance services
- Fodder requests and donations: Livestock SA, 0419 035 459
- Stock loss and assessment: PIRSA, 1800 255 556
- Mental health support:
- Regional Access, 1300 032 186
- State recovery assistance services and Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority
- Fodder requests and donations, 1800 623 946
- Mental health support:
- Mental Health Association of Queensland
- NQ Connect, 1300 059 625
Western Australia
- State recovery assistance services or the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD), 1800 198 231
- Fodder assistance: Department of Fire and Emergency Services, 08 9395 9341
- Stock loss and assessment: animal.welfare@dpird.wa.gov.au
- Mental health support:
- Crisis Care counselling service, 1800 199 008
- Mental Health Emergency Response Line, 1300 555 788
Bushfire assistance contacts and resources are being updated regularly on the Farm Hub website
- TAS ALERT Disaster Assistance Information
- Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water & Environment
- Mental Health Services Helpline, 1800 332 388
Integrity Systems Company
The ISC provides the following information and advice for fire-affected properties:
- All livestock movements, especially after a natural disaster, pose a biosecurity threat. If possible, record all stock movements between PIC’s in the NLIS database and if circumstances allow, aim to move livestock to a property that is LPA accredited.
- During times of natural disaster, you may receive or need to procure fodder from unfamiliar suppliers. There can be risks associated with unfamiliar fodder – such as chemical contamination, weed seed, restricted animal material, and poor quality or unsuitable feed for your class of livestock. Where possible, request a Commodity Vendor Declaration (CVD) for any purchased fodder and keep a record of all feed that has been bought in and the animals it was fed to.
- Treatment for sick, injured or diseased livestock must be provided at the first possible opportunity, which is often extremely difficult following a fire.
- When humane destruction is necessary, appropriate methods must be used by people who have the experience, knowledge, skills and tools – these are outlined in the Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines. Please check with your local and state authorities for advice on appropriate carcass disposal methods and any specific health risks in your area.
More comprehensive information on these points can be found in the National Disaster Response – Bushfires fact sheet, available here.
For producers needing support with any of these actions, please get in touch with the ISC Helpdesk via 1800 683 111 or lpa@integritysystems.com.au
Information on how to help and giving donations is available on the NFF’s Farm Hub website.
This article was first published on the Meat & Livestock Australia website. To view original article click here