
Mining and CSG guide for landholders

Beef Central 13/12/2016

NSW Farmers has today launched a Landholder Guide to Mining and CSG in NSW.

The Guide is designed to provide up to date and comprehensive information on mining and coal seam gas activity and legislation in NSW.

NSW Farmers’ CEO Matt Brand notes “with a complex set of regulations, farmers often don’t know where to start or where they stand on mining and coal seam gas issues. This guide is that start. With all the information together in a comprehensive and easy to understand way, it allows landholders in NSW to easily get the information they need.”

“There is a lot of information about mining and coal seam gas out there, but farmers want accurate information which is targeted to them from a trusted source. This Guide is the most tailored source of information for landholders to date on these extractive industries in NSW.”

Released as part of the NSW Farmers’ Mining and Coal Seam Gas Communications Project, funded by the NSW Department of Primary Industries, this guide adds to the resources already available from the project including a website and factsheets. The project aims to improve landholder awareness of mining and coal seam gas activity in the region and improve landholder capacity to negotiate land access arrangements.

“The Guide is set out in ten chapters which represent the lifespan of the process from a landholder’s perspective-  from initial negotiation procedures, to post-production and closing down a mine site.  It includes a checklist landholders can follow when negotiating agreements.

“It details each step in the mining and coal seam gas process and gives landholders answers to what they need to know at each step.”

 Source: NSW Farmers. The Guide can be accessed at: or farmers can contact NSW Farmers  to be posted a free copy on 1300 794 000.



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