
Meatless Melbourne best for the planet says inner-city council

Eric Barker 12/07/2024

Photo: Shutterstock

AN inner-city Melbourne council has advised its residents that a shift to plant-based diets is critical in addressing the “climate crisis”.

The Yarra City Council used an article in The Guardian, a scientific paper about emissions and another about river pollution to surmise that a meatless Melbourne was the best option for the planet. The council document was called the ‘climate emergency plan 2024-2030’.

Yarra’s council covers the inner north-eastern suburbs of Abbotsford, Alphington, Burnley, Carlton North, Clifton Hill, Collingwood, Cremorne, Fairfield, Fitzroy, Fitzroy North, Princes Hill and Richmond.

The situation could be articulated by an article in the satirical website The Betoota Advocate, which was headlined “shutting the f*** up about something you know nothing about simply not okay, says Melbourne”.

Betoota’s article was not addressing the Yarra City Council’s decision, rather the mentality of the Melbourne constituents in the turbulent times of recent years.

Cattle Australia chief executive officer Dr Chris Parker did directly address council’s position, saying the decision was ill-informed and that dietary recommendations were not within its remit.

“Cattle Australia is appalled by Yarra City Council recommending its residents move towards vegetarianism and rejects the flawed and uninformed basis of its decision to promote a plant-based diet,” Dr Parker said.

“Australian beef producers prioritise their responsibility to care for natural resources and we absolutely stand behind our sustainability credentials and commitment to continual improvement, as evidenced by the gains we consistently make across a range of environmental measures.”

How did the council come to this position?

In the dietary section of the climate emergency plan, the Yarra City Council said the global warming caused by livestock methane emissions were the main reason for the decision.

It used a paper in Nature Climate Change which compared a forecasted increase in meat demand to greenhouse gas emissions metrics and concluded that something needed to be done to limit methane emissions.

“There is substantial evidence to suggest that the emissions associated with current dietary patterns – particularly the high and increasing rate of consumption of animal products – are likely to make it impossible to limit global heating to 1.5°C, even if fossil fuel emissions were eliminated completely,” the Yarra Council said.

Dr Parker said council was only telling one side of the story.

“The beef industry is unique, in that methane is the largest attributable greenhouse gas to our sector, not carbon dioxide,” he said.

“It is important to recognise that notwithstanding their warming effect, methane emissions are part of a 12-year, short-lived biogenic cycle and therefore have a different impact on global warming than emissions from fossil fuels which are additional to the atmosphere and persist for thousands of years, if not millennia.

“Further, the Federal Government’s own statistics showed that in 2020 the Australian beef industry had reduced its net CO2e emissions by 64.1pc since 2005 and it continues to improve on key sustainability measures.”

Yarra’s other main reasoning for the decision was that Australia is a “global deforestation hotspot” – basing this off an article in The Guardian referencing a study done by Greenpeace and The Wilderness Society.

Another claim Dr Parker said was misguided.

“Well-managed and thriving natural resources and livestock production are not adversaries, but rather run hand-in-hand. Australia has some of the strictest vegetation management regulations in the world,” he said.

“The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization ranks Australia as second in the world for reforestation with an average net gain in forest area between 2010-2020 of 446,000 hectares per year.”

Beef Central asked the Yarra council why it did not consider research from the CSIRO and Oxford University which have concluded that the warming of stable livestock methane emissions was being overstated by current metrics.

We asked how interest groups like Greenpeace and The Wilderness Society are credible sources, given their deforestation-related attacks on the beef industry are used for fundraising campaigns.

We also asked whether it had considered the fact that the majority of Australia is non-arable land and that animals have grazed and humans have eaten meat for thousands of years.

We will update this article with any response we receive.

No place for ideology in dietary recommendations

Along with completely disagreeing with the reasoning for Yarra City Council’s assertions about the environmental impact of meat, Dr Parker said bringing diet and environment together was a problem.

“Beside the Yarra City Council’s misguided environmental concerns, there is no place for ideology in dietary recommendations. We respect the right for all individuals to choose what they eat, and the fact is red meat plays a crucial role in nourishing the nation,” he said.

“A typical 150g serving of Australian beef contains 12 essential nutrients recommended for good health and is a powerful source of protein, iron, zinc and vitamin B12. Beef that is predominantly grass-fed is also a source of Omega-3 fatty acids, with more iron and zinc than poultry and fish.

“It is beyond Council remit to make diet recommendations for any reason, and the Yarra City Council’s Climate Emergency Plan is simply another example of government falling prey to activist ideology.”







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  1. Peter Razos, 18/07/2024

    I am Running For Councillor and stop this nonsense coming out of the City Of Yarra
    Out FB page is I’m over it

  2. Stanley Bruce Collins, 15/07/2024

    The planet’s biggest problem is over-population, so you don’t really need me to tell you what should be limited. It is not meat.

  3. Shaun James Mackenzie, 14/07/2024

    Just makes me want to eat more Beef

  4. Paul Franks, 13/07/2024

    I heard that council is also going to ban male plants like Paw Paw.

    Bee’s as well as bees fertilising plants is rape.

  5. Wallace Gunthorpe, 13/07/2024

    I think we should sell Melbourne!

  6. Stu Kemp, 13/07/2024

    We’re told how important red meat is for brain development, if I wasn’t convinced before I certainly am now.

  7. Jock Douglas, 13/07/2024

    The Councilors of the Yarra City Council in inner Melbourne are an interesting lot. Edward Crossland is the Mayor of Yarra. Here is Edward Crossland’s background coming from the Yarra Council website . ‘In his role as Councilor, Edward is committed to supporting and celebrating our wonderfully diverse communities. He wants to keep Yarra cool, creative, weird and wonderful.’ We should acknowledge that with one of his aims he is succeeding – keeping Yarra weird . Seeking to restrict the diets of the 94,000 Yarra residents seems beyond the boundary of normal Council business.

  8. Bill Cameron, 13/07/2024

    The misinformation that this council uses highlights the problem facing our population. Beef particularly is a very high nutrient dense food. From what I read, Methane from ruminants always was and always will be. Thanks for challenging the propaganda and the ill informed Council. They have no right to be dictating nutrition.

  9. Dr+Sandra+Jephcott, 13/07/2024

    Unfortunately, city people & young people generally are easily brain washed by fanatics that do not do engage their brain before they open their mouth & contact the media of similar ilk.

  10. John Schultz, 13/07/2024

    If the Yarra City Council is so concerned about methane emmissions, will they be shutting down their electricity grid to coal fired power ?
    As a resident of the Hunter value with its numerous open cut mines, I occasionally have a beer with workers in the pits. They have told me that methane leaks from coal everytime its cracked or broken, a huge problem compared to cattle farms.

  11. kevin james dixon, 12/07/2024

    Hi, I would not get too excited about anything the Yarra Council has to say. Any subject that deviates from their Green agenda will inevitably be ridiculed.
    It is interesting to note that plant based meat products are in fact struggling as the population at large are rejecting them.
    I would not give them the time of day.

  12. Rob Atkinson, 12/07/2024

    I wonder what this council’s other policies could include? The mind boggles!
    Besides all the evidence that Dr Parker highlights in support of livestock and meat consumption, the simple fact is that if there were no domesticated livestock grazing in Australia, we would see massive wildfires all over the continent, every Summer.
    People like the councillors who sit around the boardroom table of the Yarra City Council likely have zero knowledge of the role livestock play in reducing fuel load. Not only does grazing reduce fuel load substantially making for cooler fires, the people who manage these livestock enterprises put in millions of miles of firebreaks every year. The same people fight thousands of fires every year, many ignited by lightning or arsonists.
    If there were no livestock and livestock managers, these fires would burn uncontrollably for months. Then these inner city elites would have something to complain about.
    These councillors live in a fantasy land and are so unhinged from the reality outside their city limits, they are a danger to themselves and the rest of the planet!

    • Joanne Rea, 13/07/2024

      @ Rob Atkinson Well said and exactly on point.

  13. Greg Campbell, 12/07/2024

    I read this with the same disbelief as I previously read of anti-vaxers claiming the covid vaccines contained a micro-chip, or that covid was being spread via the 5G network.
    How do such supposedly educated people as elected councillors fail so miserably at seeking and appraising robust information? I can accept that inner suburbs are typically the home of activists, but even there, surely they are not a majority of council voters? Perhaps when voting is optional and voter turnout is typically low, smaller number of activists are able to carry the agenda.

  14. Ross murray, 12/07/2024

    Yarra city council should stick to what they are best at-roads, rates and administration- not constituents dietary requirements- just saying……..

  15. Mark, 12/07/2024

    What a bunch of political correctness and hypocrisy that I have ever seen

  16. Mal Cock, 12/07/2024

    There are all levels of Gov’t falling prey to ill-informed activist ideology.
    The activists are very good at marketing by working on emotions and either push false information and half-truths or distort / diminish the facts / science.

    We need activist to push for change, because people that have it good in this country and that is most of us…. don’t like change!

    But positive change needs to be based on sound information, common sense and science!

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