
Future of north key focus of next week’s AgForce conference

Beef Central 12/09/2013

One of Queensland’s best known company directors and public figures, Keith De Lacy AM, will join an influential panel in Townsville next week to debate the future of Northern Australia at AgForce State Conference 2013.

The panel discussion entitled ‘A Vision for the North’ will be held during the Wednesday session of conference and also feature newly elected Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce, and prominent CSIRO scientist Dr Ian Watson who specialises in sustainable management of arid rangelands and tropical savannas.

Mr De Lacy said it was critical to capitalise on the opportunities held by the north of the nation although support from both government and the scientific community was required for development to progress.

“I am involved with a major integrated agricultural irrigation project centred on the Gilbert River system in Far North Queensland,” Mr De Lacy said.

“I firmly believe this type of development is the way of the future – we have to do things differently than we have in the past.

“The reality is white and green papers do not bring economic development and there is an obvious need for support both from Government and the scientific establishment to provide the science and policy underpinning sustainable progress.”

Wednesday’s panel discussion will provide a forum for discussion of alternate opinions, in addition to an opportunity for conference delegates to participate.

AgForce Chief Executive Officer, Charles Burke, said northern development was one of the most prevalent topics on the agri-political agenda and he looked forward to lively debate.

“Our panel is the ideal mix of business, government and science and will be one of the most informed discussions on this topic hosted in Queensland,” Mr Burke said.

“It is also one of a number of opportunities for conference delegates to be part of the agri-political discussion over the course of the three days of Conference 2013.”

For more information on the AgForce Conference or to register click here to visit the conference website


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