The Federal Government has released the Federal Drought Fund Investment Strategy this week, which provides a roadmap of how programs will be funded and delivered during the current four-year funding cycle of the FDF.
The release of the roadmap follows the Productivity Commission’s 2023 review of the FDF which recommended an Investment Strategy document to guide participation in FDF programs.
Farmers and stakeholders were also consulted by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry on how the FDF could improve.
Feedback stated they wanted fewer, longer and more impactful programs, guided by a clear plan.
The new strategy prioritises five areas for funding:
- partnering for local solutions,
- partnering for First Nations initiatives,
- building knowledge, skills and capability,
- innovating for transformation, and
- measuring progress and sharing knowledge.
The Federal Government has committed $519.1 million over eight years from the FDF to address these priorities as part of the 2024-25 Budget.
The Future Drought Fund Investment Strategy can be read here:
Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Julie Collins said the funding program addresses the concerns raised through consultation with farmers and the Productivity Commission.
“With the new investment strategy, our farmers have more certainty on where funding is being spent and they can put their trust in a clearer, more focussed FDF.”
Source: Minister for Agriculture