
Frasers Transport cross loading module wins safety award

Beef Central 09/10/2013

Click to view video of Frasers Transport's cross-loading-module in action, and fleet manager Mark Collins commenting on its design.


Frasers Transport's innovative cross-loading module, as featured on Beef Central last month,  has taken out the top award at this year’s Queensland Safe Work Awards

The cross loading module helps transfer cattle from one truck to another with minimal risk to workers or cattle.

Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie joined Queensland rugby league great and Safety Ambassador Mal Meninga to congratulate Fraser Livestock Transport and six other award winners at a ceremony in Brisbane yesterday.

“Together with Mal, I commend these organisations for leading the way in designing and building a better safety culture across Queensland,” Mr Bleijie said.

“These awards are so important because they shine a light on businesses and individuals doing their very best to make their workplaces safer and healthier.

“Whether you work with abandoned animals in Brisbane, or are helping your staff to get healthier in Townsville, or even trucking livestock in the South-West, your workplace can lead by example.

“These deserving winners have illustrated this."

Mr Bleijie said the cross loading module, developed and built by Frasers Livestock Transport, had been resoundingly successful in making the transfer of cattle between trailers safer.

“The cross loading module incorporates a series of elevated platforms, over-trailer walkways and sliding gates and barriers that remove the need for the driver to work in, climb on or stand on the crate,” he said.

“This reduces the risk of falling, tripping, and coming into contact with livestock which can cause serious injury, or even death.

“Their procedure also reduces the time taken to transfer cattle between trucks, showing that a safe workplace is also a productive workplace.

The cross loading module won the awards for best solution to an identified work health and safety issue and best demonstrated leadership in work health and safety.




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