
Feedback on BJD discussion paper sought by May 3

Animal Health Australia 21/04/2015

Cattle producers and other members of the public have until May 3 to provide comment on a recently-released discussion paper that will help determine the future of Bovine Johne’s disease (BJD) management in Australia.

BJD management in Australia is currently being revised through the National BJD Review.

Animal Health Australia (AHA) is coordinating the Review on behalf of industry and government and is seeking submissions from all interested parties, said AHA’s Executive Manager of Biosecurity, Duncan Rowland.

“We welcome assistance from the general public and, specifically, interested cattle producers in helping to answer some of the questions that will eventually contribute to the repositioning of how Johne’s disease in cattle is dealt with into the future,” Mr Rowland said.

“The 108 attendees at the recent BJD forum, held on February 16 in Sydney, were clear that they want to see a single, national approach that works across all cattle industry sectors including beef, stud, feedlot and dairy.

“Submissions on the discussion paper will be received from any interested parties up to midnight on May 3, 2015, with all submissions being made public, unless otherwise requested, and placed on the Review’s webpage.

“The submissions will be used by the Review’s reference panel to progress the development of the Review and the development of a national approach to the management of Johne’s disease in cattle,” he said.

“Public consultation on the discussion paper is the second of four opportunities provided for public feedback on the development of future BJD activities in Australia.

“The reference panel will meet on 15 May to review the submissions and progress the development of the new plan. Once a draft Plan has been developed it will also go out for public comment,” Mr Rowland said.

The discussion paper and further information on the National BJD Review can be found here. Enquiries into the Review can be sent to

The National BJD Strategic Plan is a cooperative program involving Australian livestock industries, government and the veterinary profession to help cattle industries reduce the spread and impact of BJD in Australia.

The current key goals are to help minimise the contamination of farms and farm products, support the protection of non‐infected herds while minimising disruption to trade and to help reduce the social, economic and trade impact of BJD at herd, regional and national levels. AHA is not involved in the development of policy on BJD management.

AHA’s role is to manage the BJD review by coordinating meetings between industry, government and key stakeholders, manage public consultation and facilitate key policy discussions and document development.

Source: Animal Health Australia



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